The baby (bump) blues (Part 10)

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Three weeks later- (5 months 1 week)

"Oh my god!" Jamie said, "You're getting huge." I threw my pillow at him and hid under the blanket. "You're not helping any." Libby growled to Jamie. "She's already self-conscious, you don't have to bring up every second that she's almost the size of a house." "I hate you both!" I yelled and went deeper under the blanket. "I'm definitely not going with you now." Both Jamie and Libby busted out laughing. "Baby, we're just teasing you." Jamie said, pulling back my covers. "You're not even that big. You still fit into your 3's. that's smaller than most people." I stuck my tongue out at him and clutched my belly. "You-made Hayden mad." I accused, touching the spot she was wiggling at. Jamie leaned over and held his hand out, "May I?" I nodded and moved my hand, Jamie's cooler one replaced it. "Ooh, that's creepy." He said, pulling back. "move pretty boy, my niece." Libby put both of her hands on my stomach and smiled, "I can already tell that she is going to be just like me." Libby mused. "Her kicks are fierce." "Don't I know." I winced, biting my tongue When the baby stopped moving around I sat up. "Fine, I'll go with you, but if one more person makes fun of me, I'll kick their ass." Jamie and Libby looked at each other and smiled. I ignored them and quickly dressed. Since pants always make me uncomfortable, I had started wearing dresses a lot. Today I wore a beige sun dress and slip-on shoes. Jamie smiled when he saw me and rubbed my tummy. I looked in the mirror and flattened my dress out. My stomach was like a small, round, basketball, sitting right in between my hips; the only way you could see it is if you really looked. Nobody even paid it much mind, but my boobs, on the other hand, were another story. There was just no way to cover them up anymore, and they attracted a lot of attention; from everyone, but David, of course. He was still intent on ignoring me. Jamie grabbed my hand and Libby led the way downstairs. Delia smiled when she saw us, no one had ever come over, besides Jamie, before. I waved to her and then followed Libby to her car. Jamie squealed when he saw it, the way he did every time he saw it, and then we headed to Libby's house.

Libby had promised Jamie that she would bring him to her house, and today was that day. Jamie had an obsession with antique cars and Libby and her dad just happened to work on them together. When Libby and Jamie first met, they'd instantly clicked over their mutual love for her car, I felt like a third-wheel to some forbidden affair. When we got to Libby's house, my stomach got nervous. Would David be here? Would he talk to me? After making peace with my mom I had become much more relaxed, but David could still give me butterflies...and nausea fits. Libby led us to the front door, "The fridge is stocked, Ms. Piggy, help yourself." "Ha, ha." I mocked, glaring at the back of Libby's head; and that's when David decided to make his appearance. I froze, and then I felt Jamie run into me. "What?" He asked and then he peeked over my shoulder at David, he grabbed my hands and gave them a squeeze. David glared at our hands and then me, I saw all the hurt in his eyes that I'd hoped to avoid and then he stormed back into his room. "He hates me." I groaned. Libby turned around, "He's a loser." "I'm guessing you're talking about David." A woman said, coming into the kitchen. She had fair hair and olive skin, Libby and David obviously got their dark hair from their dad. "Who else would we be talking about? David's the only loser in this house. Duh." This made me laugh, David's mom laughed too, "Are you guys hungry?" She asked, "Food!" I enthused then blushed. "Cheyenne here has a think for food." Libby informed her step-mom. "By the way, Cheyenne, Crystal, Crystal Jamie and Cheyenne." "Nice to meet you." We said at the same time. I stepped around the counter and that's when she noticed the belly. "Oh my-" She shrilled. "You're pregnant." "Here we go." Libby mumbled. "How precious." Crystal continued. I smiled at her enthusiasm. "What is it?" She asked, kneeling down in front of me. "She's a girl, her name is Hayden, after my mom." Crystal smiled and Jamie came over and grabbed my hand. "May I?" Crystal asked. I nodded. She placed her hands on my belly and smiled. "I've always wanted a bunch of children, but after David, I couldn't get pregnant anymore. Your mom must be so excited." Crystal looked up at me and I looked over at Jamie, the only other person who really knew how my mom was, besides Delia and Kelsie of course. "Well-uh, mom has been in a coma for the last, twoish, years." Crystal stood up, "Oh, I'm so sorry honey." She pulled me into a hug. "Its okay." I lied, it felt so good to have a mom, even if she wasn't mine, hug me. "Who is going to take care of you?" I squeezed her one last time and then said, "We have a nurse, and a house keeper who lives with us. When my mom got sick, she had given guardianship of me to them, and my dad, so when he died...well, they got custody of me." Crystal seemed so sad about my situation and when I peeked over at Libby, she too looked upset. I gave her a reassuring smile. Jamie squeezed the hand he still held. "I know, I'll cook. Food always fixes everything." Crystal decided and then hurried away to collect various ingredients.

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