The Baby Blues (Part 22)

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Okay I realize that this is short but I've decided I'm going to bring this story to an end soon so I'm trying to wrap everything up :)

Oh and btw, you can thank my bestie Libby (hehe) for me uploading this story again. She enjoys reading it and she's been in a down mood so I'm uploading for her.

<3 ya girlie.


~Libby's POV~

I drove up to school after stopping by to see Clay...okay I'll admit it, I might have been getting a bit more attached to him than I had meant to, but what can I say? That boy is cute. I was going to go straight to the coffee shop and maybe stop at a magazine stand to pick up the latest issue of Maxim, but then I got a text from Clay: meet me @ ur room.

I was shocked and pleasantly surprised. Clay hadn't been up to my apartment since I had gotten it so this would be a new experience for us. I high-tailed it to my room and straightened up as much as I could before going to my class for the day. As soon as my professor released me I was racing through campus to get back to my apartment. I cursed myself for not bringing my bike today even though it was only a block walk. As soon as I was in the door I stripped off my clothes and jumped in the shower, blew dry my hair, put on some make-up (ew, I know right? What is this boy doing to me?) and then put on one of my "nicer", as in sluttier outfits, curtsey of the lovely Maxim people.

Clay was running a little late so I popped open a bottle of vodka, poured myself a glass and then settled on the couch to wait. I heard a knock on my door a half hour later, which was very unlike Clay. He would usually show up on time to any "date" he set up with me. I threw a light, silk robe on and ran to the door, careful not to spill my vodka or look as if I had been running to the door. When I opened it, sure enough, Clay was standing there.

I smiled at him and grabbed his arm, pulling him inside. "So you're not late or anything." I looked over at him when he didn't answer, was he mad? "I'm guessing traffic was a bitch seeing as you're over a half hour late and look like you could kill someone." I've always had a big mouth, which I'm guessing now was not a good thing. "Why do you always have to be the center of attention?" Clay asked in a cool, but angry voice.

"Excuse me?" I asked, starting to put up my defensive walls.

"Excuse me?" Clay mocked and then looked up. "Don't play dumb Libby, I know what you've been up to." He reached into his back pocket and threw a magazine at me. "What the hell is that?" I took a step back shocked; one, Clay never rose his voice, ever, the whole time I knew him. And two, he just chucked a magazine at me and made me spill some of my drink, on the floor. I looked down at the magazine which was facing up-right with three different pictures of Clarissa on it.

"Damn," I said, picking it up to look at it. "Looks like I didn't win." I laughed and looked back up at Clay to see a deadly serious expression on his face. I guess he wasn't in the mood for humor. "This isn't funny Libby, guys from school have been passing this around all day at school. Guys from the football team are patting me on the back and telling me what a "hot girlfriend" I have!" His voice was rising again; I didn't realize it but he gets a lot cuter when he's upset. "Okay? So you're mad because guys at school think I'm hot? I would think you would be proud of that, not pissed."

He grabbed his hair in frustration and groaned. "You just don't understand. You go around flaunting yourself for the world to see with no thought about it. Do you realize that fifty-year old men buy these to masturbate to? Do you even care that maybe I don't want sickos looking at your body and fantasizing about it? Modeling was one thing, but this," He said pointing to the magazine in my hand. "This is too far."

"Too far?" I asked. "I did this for fun. So what if fifty-year olds are masturbating to a picture of me, or if guys at school are "fantasizing" about me. They don't have the real thing, you do." "Is that how you think of me Lib? That I just want you for sex? I would be with you regardless, I don't need sex to be happy, I was doing that because you wanted it, and yea, it was fun but its not what I base my life on."

I couldn't help but catch the phrase he used. "It was fun?" I asked. "Was as in past tense?" Clay looked at me with his amazingly blue eyes and gave me a solemn expression. "I thought I could handle being with you, I mean I knew from the start that you weren't going to be easy and that you were a wild, rebellious person, but I thought that maybe you would change, just a little. I don't think I can handle someone who has to have everything revolving around them. Those other idiots that you've hooked up with might be okay with this, hell, they might enjoy this. But I don't, and that's it for me." He looked down at his feet for a moment and then started forward, but not towards me, towards the door.

"Fine then, I'll just go back to 'those other idiots'!" I yelled after him. "Do what you want Elizabeth." He said, slamming the door in my face. I stood there for a while, taking in everything that just happened and then it sunk in, what the fuck had I just done? How had I let the best guy that has even walked into my life walk out on me? I stared at the door for the rest of the night...

Okay, now off to write the next chapter.

I think Libby has a little growing up to do and I think she's finally ready to do it :) What do you think?


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