The Baby Blues (Part 8)

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A little awkward-

My mom stared intently at Mr. Patel and then looked at me, "Please tell me this isn't David." Mr. Patel and I both burst out laughing at the same time, startling Adrian. "I don't seem to see the humor in that question." My mom scolded, glaring at Mr. Patel, who had pushed past me and was now standing in front of her. "I'm James Patel, I'm your daughter's music coach." My mom looked at Mr. Patel's extended hand and shook it. "Well, sorry for the misunderstanding."

Just then, Adrian started barking and I realized that the time had come, David and Libby were here with Hayden. I waited until Libby parked her beloved Ranchero before running out to meet them, Adrian was hot on my heels. "Hey, I see you've discovered your present; well, at least one of them." Libby said, pulling me into a hug. I looked down at Adrian, who was sitting by my feet. "You're right I did, and I love him. Thank-you." Libby nodded and looked past me towards the front door. "Is Mr. Patel here?" I nodded, "Yea, my mom thought he was David, I thought she was going to murder him." I heard David chuckling, invisible from the inside of the car. He reappeared with Hayden in his arms and the diaper bag over his shoulder. I ran over to grab my baby.

"Hi sweetheart, I missed you so much." David smiled. "Well I missed you too." I flicked him off and led the way into the house.

Delia set a few glasses of tea on the living room table and then excused herself into her room, dragging Adrian by the bandanna with her. "So you're David then." My mom said, sizing him up. "I have to say, you're a lot more of what I expected." I saw her glance at Mr. Patel and I laughed to myself. I noticed that my mom wouldn't look at me or Hayden. "How long have you known my daughter?" If David was nervous, he didn't show it. He was one of those people who could keep their cool in almost any situation.

"Well, I knew her when we were in middle school, though I don't think she really noticed me. And then we got re-connected in high school, this last year." My mom laughed and I shot her a look, "Yea, reconnected." She mumbled and I knew everyone could hear her. David remained calm. My mom glanced over at Hayden and me, but only for a second. Hayden sat nonchalantly in my lap, squeezing my index finger in her little hand and then pulling it into her mouth to suck on, while I bounced her gently on my knee.

Libby was sitting next to us, and I noticed that she, unlike her brother, was a bit uncomfortable. She kept looking at her phone and zoning out. I kneed her once and she smiled half-hardly at me, but that was it. My mom continued to talk to David, Mr. Patel watching her intently, and then finally I couldn't take it anymore. "Did you want to meet your granddaughter or not mom?" I asked. This startled her and she looked over at me for only the second time since David had brought Hayden home. She glanced down at the small baby in my arms and her face softened, but only a little. "Of course I want to meet her Cheyenne, don't be ridiculous. But I have all the time in the world to do that now, don't I?" I was going to say something to her, but the front door opened and then closed and Jamie entered the living room. My mom turned and when she saw him her face lit up.

"Jamie boy. I was wondering when you were going to come and see me." Jamie smiled and jogged over to my mom, throwing his arms around her shoulders. "I would have came to the hospital but I got really busy in school. How are you?" My mom's smile diminished and she looked over at me again. "Ask me again tomorrow and I'll have an answer." I looked over at David and noticed that for the first time, he was getting anxious, and then I realized, the only thing that got him that way was Jamie. David was threatened by Jamie. Jamie backed away from my mom and came over to the couch, sitting on the other side of me and throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"How are you?" He whispered in my ear. I smiled at him and rolled my eyes, "Been better." He nodded and then looked down at Hayden. "What about you baby?" Hayden made a happy noise and held her little fist out to Jamie, I noticed David tense up across from us. Another hour or so passed and I noticed my mom growing increasingly tired. I texted Kelsie: Mom is sleepy, help her to room? Kelsie made her way into the living room and greeted everyone. She took hold of my mom's wheelchair, "Well, I guess its my bedtime." My mom joked, but I could see she was clearly unhappy. Mr. Patel smiled at her and stood up, "It was really nice meeting you Hayden." He said, holding out his hand. My mom shook it, "Thanks, but call me Michelle, we have a new Hayden in the house."

When everyone left I hauled the baby up to my room; Adrian and Dora right on my feet, and Jamie not far behind me, which I have to admit, felt great. I'd missed him this last week and I wanted nothing more than to spend some quality time with him again like we used to. Hayden had fallen asleep in my arms, so I gently laid her down in her bassinet and then fell onto my bed. Jamie came and sat down next to me. I thought maybe he would say something, but as I continued laying there, waiting, he said nothing. Finally he sighed, "Are you asleep?" I opened my eyes and looked over at him. "No, I was trying to create a comfortable environment for you so you could tell me whatever it is that's on your mind."

He threw my pillow at me and tsked. "It's nothing serious or anything, I just had a question." Jamie admitted. I scooted up to the top of the bed next to him and rolled onto my side so we were facing each other. "Ask away." Jamie bit his lip and his forehead creased like it did when he was deep in thought. "So I was thinking..." He began. He opened his mouth to say something else but then closed it again. His jaw was flexing in and out, which I found amusing. Jamie was nervous about something. I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Just spit it out already would ya?" He smiled at me and put his hands on both side of my face. "Cheyenne, would you like to go out on a date with me?" I smiled at him and to reply, kissed him again. "Of course I would." I said, with my lips still against his. I fell asleep in his arms.

Okay, so this chapter was short and frankly quite boring, but I had to set up a foundation so I can continue the story. Sorry if you don't like it :]


The picture to the right is of the kitten, Dora :]

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