The Baby Blues (Part 10)

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That night-

"What do you mean nothing happened!?" Libby screeched. I shushed her and peeked over at Hayden to make sure she was asleep. "I mean, we both got naked, went into the water, and nothing happened." Libby's eyes bugged out of her head again. "Nothing?" I laughed and fell back on her bed, letting out a groan. "Nothing! Well, except kissing. We kissed, but that's it." Libby groaned as well and fell back next to me, she crossed her arms over her chest. I don't know who was more disappointed about the fact that 'nothing' happened at the beach: her or me.

We were both quiet for a minute and then Libby said, "Maybe he really is gay." I hit her with a pillow and cuddled into the comforter. "Good night."

The next morning-

"Say hello to your mother for me." Crystal whispered as I hurriedly packed up Hayden's stuff. I had gotten up early and breast fed her, but now I had to get home before my house started getting frantic about the fact that I didn't come home last night. "I will." I told her, balancing Hayden on one hip and her milk bag and my shoes with the other arm. I turned to leave the house and ran right into the one person I was trying to avoid.

"Hey," David said. "I didn't know you two stayed here last night." David held his arms out for Hayden so I passed her over. "Yea, Libby was watching her. I got in so late I didn't feel like going home, so I just stayed." David looked up at me. "Where did you go?" I hesitated and then decided, why should I feel guilty? "I went out with Jamie. We went swimming." I added, pointing to my hair which I was sure looked like a rat had nested in it. David looked at my hair and then back at my face. "Oh, that's nice." I nodded. "Yep, it was." He cuddled Hayden a little longer, "Well look, I've gotta go, so..." I held my arm out for Hayden. David reluctantly handed her over and I started back out for my car again.

I got back to my house some time later and reluctantly went inside. Adrian greeted me at the door as I tried to sneak past the living room. "Cheyenne." That would be my mom. I stopped and turned to face her, warm smile on my face and all. Hayden blinked and looked at her grandma. "Where were you last night?" Now I looked at her. "Is it any of your business?" My mother arched her eyebrows. "I am your mother so it is my business young lady." "And now I'm a mother so Hayden's business is my business, and honestly mom, you haven't been my mother in a long time and I've been fine." She scoffed. "Oh fine? You were so fine you got knocked up and had a baby. Oh that's real fine." I hate to admit it but I made a sound kind of like, "Ugh!" And stormed off like a five year old.

Upstairs in my room, I played with Hayden's little feet and hands. "Did you know your grandma was such a crank. Yes she is, yes she is a crank. She's a nasty, grouchy crank." And then my cell phone rang. "Who could that be?" I asked Hayden and then kissed her nose. She gurgled. I checked the called ID, it was Libby.

"Hayden said it'd be you calling." I said as my 'hello.' "Oh did she?" Libby asked. "Well, did she tell you that I would be inviting you two to the mall for a girls day free of boys?" I smiled down at Hayden and made funny faces at her. "No she didn't. And we would love to go, just give us an hour to shower and change." Satisfied with our answer, Libby hung up and promised to pick us up in an hour.

I handed Hayden off to Kelsie to wash while I took my shower, making sure to shave extra carefully because I kind of sorta had someone to shave for now. I crunched and hair-sprayed my hair and then slipped into a short pink dress with matching ballet flats. Kelsie was still down stairs with Hayden, feeding her for me. There was a light tap at my door and Jamie popped in.

"Since when do you knock?" I asked, smiling at him. He smiled back and wrapped his arms around me. "Since we started...this." He said, leaning down and gently kissing me. I could tell he was holding back and that was driving me crazy more than anything. Why was he holding back? Couldn't he tell how much I just wanted to jump on him and go nuts? I restrained myself and managed a smile.

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