The baby (bump) blues (Part 3)

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Two weeks later-

I took three deep, relaxing breaths and flattened out my dress again. Someone knocked on the door to the locker room, "Um...come in?" David opened the door, popping his gorgeous head in. I touched my stomach and smiled, at least our baby would be beautiful. "You're up soon, ready?" I nodded and grabbed my water, taking a long swig. David continued watching me. Don't get me wrong, I loved attention, mostly from really hot guys, but as David watched me I felt suddenly nervous, as if he could tell I've gained three and a half pounds, or that my stomach was just a couple centimeters rounder than it used to be. I sucked in a little and smiled at him. "Is that all?" I asked, he smiled back and nodded. "Yea, you're going to do great; and if you get nervous, remember, it'll only last a minute, tops." I shrugged and followed him out into the hallway, I saw Mr. Patel waiting at the end, near the field. I looked over and saw David still looking at me. "What?" I asked, felling my face flush. "You look different," He saw my face changed, "No, you look great, better than great, amazing." I flushed brighter. We reached Mr. Patel and he handed me the microphone, "You're on, show them how this song is really sung." He winked at me and I smiled, clutching the mic. "And now..." the speaker said, "the National Anthem, sung by, Cheyenne Deary." The entire auditorium became silent and it was all eyes on me at the center of the filed; I took another deep breath and began the song at a slow, stead pace. When I bellowed out the last note, the whole audience broke into cheers. I stood there, smiling like a fool, and then had to run to the bathroom to regurgitate my dinner.

Jamie waited for me outside the bathroom, water handy. "Thanks." I whispered, "You were ah-mazing." He enthused. "Obviously the baby didn't like the spot light. I thought it was called morning sickness, high enfisis on the morning part." Jamie nudged me with his shoulder and pulled me into a hug. I sighed and my stomach growled. Jamie chuckled, "Anything in particular sound appealing?" I didn't even need to think, "Burger." "Five guys it is." He announced, pulling me towards the front gate. I squealed happily and followed him out. I can't say I didn't notice David watching us, but at that moment, I didn't care.

The next morning I got rudely awoken from my cellphone. "Hello?" I asked groggily. "Hey bitch, where have you been?" I sighed, "Hiding from you." Tara laughed. "I know you had fun at the party, the question is, where did you disappear to during the party?" I shifted uncomfortably, my stomach was fluttering. Good morning baby, I thought. "You hooked up didn't you?" Oh.My.God. With who?" Tara might not have been a very good friend, but she was super observant, very annoying sometimes. "You were dancing with that one kid...Will's cousin. Oh my god! It was him, I know it was. He's cute, but from what Will says, a player, he doesn't settle. he's a one time, hit-it-and-quit-it." I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I'd only expected as much. "Yea, we were drunk and I guess I kind of needed it..." I trailed off and Tara piped in, "Oh, okay. Just didn't want you to get hurt." too late, I thought, I but I said, "Thanks, no hurt feelings here, it was fun." My stomach fluttered again, I rubbed it. My books had told me that you felt fluttering when the baby was happy, I smiled. Tara continued babbling and I yawned loudly, "Listen, Tara, I just woke-you so, I have to go." I didn't wait for her response, instead, I hung-up and left my cell phone on the charger. After running to the bathroom (seriously, I mean run, I barley made it. Dumb bladder), I ransacked the fridge. Delia had gone shopping with Jamie's new list and nothing had been touched yet. I grabbed the apple juice and a bag of grapes and went into the "grand central" living room. The floor stepped down from the hallway, making the living room like a giant, squarish, bowl. The entire furniture set was black leather and all of the wood was polished black to match it. the floors were carpet in here, not marble, of course, it too was black. The pillows on the couch were red as well as the cup holder on the coffee table. I plopped down and grabbed the remote, clicking the button that brought the TV down from the secret spot in the ceiling. I clicked the 'on' button, and the screen came to life. I got restless, nothing could hold my attention long, and then I thought of my mom, upstairs, probably dreaming, and decided to open up the piano. I hadn't touched it since my mom and me had played last time; the sound was booming in the large, quiet, mansion and I was easily able to fall into a music trans. I spent the rest of the weekend alone, reading my books and talking to Jamie on the phone. My life was so dull.


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