The Baby Blues (Part 15)

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Next morning-

I woke up because someone was pulling my hair. Wtf? I opened my eyes and looked down at the culprit. Hayden had a strand of my hair wrapped around her little fist and she was sucking on it in her mouth. "Ew Hayden, that's gross." I grabbed her little fist and pulled my hair out of her mouth. She looked over at me and her little face scrunched up, I knew she was about to cry. "Oh baby, I'm sorry." I lifted her up and cradled her against my chest, pulling my shirt up so she could eat before she started fussing. She latched onto my boob and started feeding. Mommy wins again.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the headboard, sighing. Wait, headboard? I opened my eyes and looked around the room I was in. This was certainly not mine. I looked next to me and saw a messy blob of black hair. I must have fallen asleep at David's house. Great. I stood up, still nursing Hayden, and stepped out into the hallway. I looked around bleary-eyed and saw a tall figure sneaking down the hallway.

"Clay?" I asked, recognizing him immediately. The figure froze and turned around to face me. It was Clay, that sneaky little bitch ((talking about Libby)). "What are you doing here?" I asked him, knowing smirk on my face. I wasn't even embarrassed that I was standing there breast feeding. "Well I-er...well you see-" He took a deep breath. "I came over last night to help her baby sit." I laughed. "Oh, and since when does babysitting entail sex?" Clay blushed bright red. Aw, he was so innocent and cute.

He was about to stutter out another answer when Libby's bedroom opened up. "Clay, if you don't get back here I'm going to start by myself--" When Libby saw me she smiled. She was wearing Clay's shirt and that was it. It was long enough to just barley cover-up her lady-business. I smiled back at her. "Go Libby." Was all I said before heading off to the kitchen.

When I finished feeding Hayden I quickly texted Jamie: Hey babe, sorry. Fell asleep with Hayden. Love you

"Hey honey, are you hungry?" She asked. "Actually, starving." Crystal smiled. "Well I can use some coffee." "I've already started some." I told her, motioning towards the coffee pot.

While the coffee perked, Crystal got out a pan and started making pancakes. Twenty minutes later we were both eating and drinking coffee; that is also when Libby got up...again. She was fingering her wet hair and rushing around wearing really nice clothes. "Oh my god, is the world ending or something?" I asked her teasingly. She glared at me and poured herself a cup of coffee, chugging it black. Ew. "No smart ass I have some where to be." I looked over at Crystal and she shrugged. "Where are you going dressed all fancy?"

And she was dressed fancy, for her at least. She was wearing a white, button up shirt, the bra underneath was also white, and she was wearing black -tight, skinny jeans and high heels.

"None of your business." She sneered at me and then rushed back to her room. I stood up, moving Hayden to my hip. "I think that I'm really curious." I told Crystal. "Yea me too, when you figure out what she's doing come and tell me." I said okay and then took off to Libby's room. She was throwing a bunch of crap into a duffel bag and didn't even notice me. "Where's Clay?" I asked her. "I sent him home like, twenty minutes ago." She said, not looking up. I watched her some more. "Are you going to tell me where you're going?" "Nope." She said, throwing the bag over her shoulder, "I'm going to be late."

I followed after her, slipping my shoes on at the front door. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked me, still hurrying to her car. "I'm coming with you, since you don't seem to want to tell me where exactly you're going." Libby sighed, but she didn't protest. Once I got Hayden locked in the car seat, I strapped myself in in the front seat. "If you're coming with me at least fix yourself up." Libby said, throwing her duffel bag into my lap. I would have been offended if she hadn't looked so worried. Instead, I bit my tongue and opened the bag.

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