The Baby Blues (Part 17)

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Because I love you all so much, here's another chapter. Three of them in two days :] Woot!

Mixed emotions-

I got over him -David that is- a long time ago; sometime after he slept with Rhea and I had my anxiety attack. Did I ever love him? Maybe. Was I ever in love with him? No.

Jamie, my mom, Mr. Patel (Scott?), Delia, Kelsie, Hayden, and I were seated around the dining table; tonight we were eating a meal like a family. "So Cheyenne," Mr. Patel (Scott) said. "You're coming back to school for your Senior year, right?" I smiled at him, "Of course I am, you're still going to be my coach right? Or did you replace me with Kelly?" I heard the venom when I said her name after and winced. Why did I dislike her so much? It wasn't about her comment about Hayden because I hadn't liked her before then.

I noticed that Jamie and Mr. Patel heard my dislike as well so I tried my best to smile and cover it up. "I would never replace you. In fact, Kelly doesn't really sing, I'm sure she could if she tried, but she's more into the whole 'guitar-piano' thing." He admitted, eating a spoonful of mashed potatoes. "She plays guitar?" I asked. "Really well actually." Mr. Patel said. Of course she does, I thought to myself.

"Okay, well I'll be glad to resume lessons as soon as school starts back up." I told him. He got a guilty look on his face. "I'm sorry we haven't been practicing more lately, I've been distracted." I noticed that he looked over at my mother and an unexpected smile spread across my face. I missed my father, more than words could comprehend, but seeing the affection Mr. Patel held for my mom made me realize that I wanted her to be happy more than anything.

"So mom, I saw you doing your exercises when I got home. I'm glad you started them up again." My mom blushed and it made her look a lot prettier. "Yea, I really want to get out of this chair." I nodded and shoveled some food into my mouth.

That night I really wanted to tell someone about what had happened with David and the only person I could think of telling was my best friend...but he also happened to be my boy friend now and for some reason it just felt weird bringing that up to him. I didn't want that old rivalry to start up again between them; it was nice seeing my two favorite boys getting along.

I played with my cell phone for a while and then put it back on my side table. By the time Jamie came up to bed I was already asleep.

The next couple of days went by in a blur and then I got a text from Libby: hey can u come over? I frowned at my phone, what did she need my help with? Picking out clothes? I texted back: Sure, be right there. "Where are you going?" Jamie asked when I stood up, grabbing Hayden. "Libby needs my help with something, I'll be back soon."

Jamie smiled and I leaned over and kissed him, "Love you." He said. "Love you too." I said. The drive to Libby's went by quickly and when I got there I un-strapped Hayden and knocked on the door; only it wasn't Libby who answered it, it was David. "Oh hey, your sister texted me to come over..." I trailed off and looked around. I had just realized that Libby's car wasn't even there. "Yea, sorry. Libby went to Clay's but she left her phone here. I was the one that texted you." I looked at him, "Oh--um, what did you want?"

David stepped aside and motioned for me to come in. "I'm glad you brought Hayden," He said. "I wanted to say good-bye to her." I gripped her tighter and then sat down on the couch. David sat next to me, "May I hold her." I opened my arms and let him take her, "You never have to ask."

I watched him lift her in the air and kiss her tummy and her face. His eyes were filled with such love and adoration for the beautiful little girl we made together. It seemed impossible that she could be so perfect, and yet she was.

"She looks exactly like you, everyone tells me that." David shook his head and looked over at me. "No, I think she looks like you." Our eyes held for a few seconds and then I looked away. I was fidgeting with my hands in my lap when I saw him stand up and put Hayden down on her floor mat. "So, what did you want to talk about, David?" I asked him. He came back to the couch and sat down, facing me.

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