The Baby Blues (Part 16)

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During the next month-

I was laying in bed with Hayden on one side of me and Adrian and Dora on the other, thinking -my life is pretty perfect- and that's when I heard the knock on my door. "Come in." I said, shifting so I could face whoever it was. It was Libby; she had a huge, dumb smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked her, sitting up. She pulled two envelopes from her pocket. "What's that?" "Our checks!" She enthused, running over to my bed. When she got to me, she didn't jump on like I thought she would, but instead sat down calmly. "Checks for..." I questioned. "Our pictures; the agent sent our checks to my house because you didn't fill out any paper work and he knew you were my friend. Which by the way, you're lucky you are because I could have stolen yours." She added. "Why would I get a check? They only chose two of my pictures."

Libby smiled, "Two is still two now take your check and get over it." I laughed and grabbed the envelope, opening it up. The check said four-hundred and fifty dollars. "Holy crap," I said, looking down at it. "I get this much?" "Duh! I told you models were over-paid; but you know, I complain a lot less when its me getting the paying..." Well, I guess I could use the money.

For the last month things had been slow and kind of boring. Jamie and I were spending a lot of time together, Hayden turned three months, Jamie and I couldn't keep our hands off each other, Libby was about to graduate high school, my mom and I still weren't on conversing terms, and Mr. Patel was spending a strange amount of time in my living room...

After Libby left, I scooped Hayden into my arms and skipped down the velvet staircase. Mom was in the living room again, but Mr. Patel wasn't with her this time. I contemplated turning around but then I suddenly got this fury in me. "Looks like your buddy isn't here -guess you finally have an excuse to talk to me." My mom turned in her wheelchair to face me. "Good morning to you too; it thrills me to wake up in the morning to this." She said. "Yea well, maybe you should stop waking up, you know, like you did before. It seemed so much easier for you then." My mom's face contorted and I could tell that I'd hurt her, but you know what? She started it -and it wasn't my fault that she'd been treating me like a stranger for the past two and a half months, I was sick of it.

"You know what mom, don't even play the hurt card with me because honestly? I cant deal with it anymore. I'm the one who has been alone for almost five years. I'm the one that had to learn to raise myself and deal with everything that was going on." Hayden started to fuss in my arms, I was upsetting her. I looked down at her and touched her face. "Its okay baby, mommy is sorry for raising her voice." I looked back up at my mom. "I'm the one who didn't have anything," I said in a more normal tone, "So before you try and drag me into your pity party, remember I was already there long before you."

With that I turned and left the room. "Shit," I heard my mom say, and then "Cheyenne, wait." I didn't, I just ran up the stairs and into my room. I laid Hayden down on my bed and lay down next to her. "I'm sorry sweet-heart; I didn't mean to upset you. I promise that I'll never leave you like grandma left me. I would never do that to you."

We laid there next to each other for a long time before I heard the tap on my door frame; I looked over and saw my mom leaning against it on the floor. I jumped up, "Oh my god mom, what did you do?" I ran over to her and grabbed her arms, hauling her up and over to the chair next to my bed. "I had to follow you." She said, wincing as she tried to sit up straighter. "Did you drag yourself up the stairs?" She laughed half-heartily. "Yea and I'm going to have really bad rug burn from it." This made me laugh too.

"There was a reason I had to follow you though, please?" She asked, motioning for me to join her in the chair. I went over to my bed and grabbed Hayden, putting her in the bassinet before joining my mom in the chair.

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