The Baby Blues (Part 11)

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The next morning-

When I woke up I changed into something more sensible: Jamie's shirt and a pair of boy shorts. I got Hayden out of her crib and brought her downstairs to feed both her and me; I had to get away from Jamie. Our make-out session had gotten really hot last night, and I knew he wanted me, and nothing happened! Again!

My hormones were going insane. Being near him was too much. I had mastered the art of breast feeding on one side and eating with the other hand. I had just switched boobs when a familiar laugh echoed through the kitchen. Before I could react, Mr. Patel was pushing my mom into the kitchen. He froze when he saw me and covered his eyes with his hand. "I am so sorry." He said and turned three different shades of red. I laughed and pulled the shirt down, around Hayden, covering her up. "You're fine." I told him, "I'm decent-er, now."

He slowly uncovered his eyes and then smiled weakly at me. "How about I bring you into the living room?" He asked my mom. She looked over at me and then sighed, "Okay." I watched him push her out of the room and into the next. I chewed my cereal slowly and thought about the look on Mr. Patel's face when he had first walked into the living room, before he had seen me partially naked. He had looked so...happy.

I heard the piano start up in the living room and recognized one of Mr. Patel's tunes. That was nice, at least someone could reach my mom since I seemed to be having zero luck in that department.

Jamie came into the kitchen, still wearing no shirt, but at least he had traded his boxers for a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down next to me. "Could I have some milk?" He asked with such a serious face that it took me a minute to realize what he was asking. My eyes bugged out and I smacked him on his chest, hard. "Ow." He whined, rubbing his peck, where I was sure there was going to be a nasty hand-print. "That was gross." I told him. He chuckled and poured some creamer into his coffee. "I had to ask." He joked, smiling at me and sipping his coffee.

I pulled Hayden out from under his shirt then, burping her on my shoulder. "You know," Jamie said. "My shirt really looks good on you." I smiled and shrugged. "I used to wear your shirts all the time to bed when you left them over." He watched me burping Hayden and then leaned in close to my face, "But I liked your outfit last night so much better." He kissed the base of my neck, sending shivers down my back, and then brought his coffee into the living room with him. I pouted for a minute, brought my bowl to the sink, and then Hayden and I went to watch the private show as well.

The second date-

"What do you mean David has a date?" I asked Libby, on the phone as I tried to arrange my boobs in one of my old bras. It just wasn't working. "I mean, we were at school today and some chick from study hall asked him out, like right in front of me." I jumped up and down a couple times and my boobs popped out of the bra. I sighed and sat on the ground, up against my bed. "Oh, well that's cool. Is she anyone I know?" "Nope, she's a new girl. Pretty but not hot because she has that shy girl exterior that she hides behind. She's almost completely flat-chested though, poor girl..." I laughed and looked down at my boobs again. "I doubt she's shy if she just walked up and asked him out." "Oh no, she didn't walk up. She sat with us in study hall."

"Are you replacing me Elizabeth Eve Roster?" I asked, faking hurt. "Of course not, I didn't even talk to the bitch. I hate her!" Libby mocked, acting like a prep girl. My cell phone beeped as I was laughing, it was a text from Jamie: date tonight? I say yes. I smiled and punched in: Duh! Pick me up at six. "Hey Libby. You should come get Hayden so I can go out on a 'hot date' with my boo." "Your boo?" She asked. "Really?" "Shut up." I laughed. "Just come pick up your damn niece, oh, and could you bring one of your bras?"

Two and a half hours later I had my hair in ringlets and my bangs flat-ironed in place across part of my face. I had on full make-up and a really pretty mid-thigh length black dress with fishnet stockings and wedged pumps. I had Libby's hand-me down bra on, and let me just say, it felt wonderful. My boobs didn't pop out once.

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