The Baby Blues (Part 13)

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That night-

"You don't think it's weird that she plays music too?" I asked Jamie while we sat on my bed, Hayden laying in between us. "I mean playing with Mr. Patel was my thing and now she does it...when did that happen? Is Mr. Patel replacing me?" Jamie took my hand and kissed it. "Cheyenne, are you worried about Mr. Patel replacing you or David?" I looked into Jamie's (amazing) green eyes and sighed, "I know this seems ridiculous, but I'm not worried about David; its just, music was one of the only things I had all through my pregnancy and after Hayden was born, it was Mr. Patel and my thing."

Jamie was massaging my hand, rubbing his thumb in circles so my hand would relax. "I see where you're coming from, but he is a music teacher." "He's my music teacher." I grumbled like a selfish girl. Jamie chuckled and laid backwards. "I think you're being a bit silly. She's a new student and maybe this is her constant too, her way of fitting in in a strange, new place." I glared at him, "Are you sticking up for her? That's it, you're sleeping on the floor." I gave him a push and he fell off my bed.


"Ow." He complained. This had me laughing. Hayden squealed and kicked her little hands and feet in the air like a baby colt. I tickled her stomach and kissed her little neck, feet, and hands; which made her squeal more. Jamie sat up, on the floor, and peeked over the mattress. "Am I forgiven?" I smiled at him and then back down at Hayden. "I suppose, I can't stay mad with her in the room." Jamie crawled back onto the bed and laid next to Hayden again. "I know something we can do to get your mind off of Kelly." I smacked his arm, "We are not having sex with Hayden here." Jamie acted hurt, but then laughed, "No, that wasn't what I was going to say perv, I was going to suggest that we go to the beach this weekend. Just our little family; you, me, Hayden, Libby, and even David if you want." My smile grew wider, "You know, it was kind of a turn on seeing you and David so close today." Jamie arched an eyebrow, "Well, maybe him and I should get close more often."

I laughed and then laid my head right next to Hayden's head. "I think the beach would be perfect."

Beach day & Hayden two months-

"Are you ready to go yet?" Jamie called from my room. "Hayden's getting anxious." "Hayden or you?" I called, examining myself in the mirror. I hadn't been this...naked, in public since I had the baby. It was making me a bit self-conscious seeing myself now.

I stepped closer to the mirror and touched the little stud in my nose; Jamie had bought it for me yesterday and I loved it. It was the smallest diamond stud made with white gold. I stepped back again and sighed. Well, I wasn't getting any prettier standing here. I pulled on my light blue mini-skirt-made out of cotton and totally beach appropriate-and pulled on one of Jamie's old t-shirts-I had cut up the side with scissors and then tied it so it showed off a little of my stomach, but not too much. The bikini was-sadly-another hand me down from Libby. None of my tops seemed to fit my boobs anymore; not that it was an ugly bikini or anything, because it wasn't. Its brown, green, teal, and white plaid, which is awesome because I love plaid.

No more stalling, I told my reflection. Lets do this.

Jamie was holding Hayden on his hip, smiling at her. He had dressed her in her pink, polka-dotted one piece and this crazy big, white hat that he had gotten the same time he got my nose ring. I smiled at them and pulled my hair into a pony-tail. Trying not to notice that Jamie was only wearing swim trunks was not an easy task and I was grateful for Libby, who was knocking on my door frame. "Lets go, we're wasting away the day and a real kick-ass tan." I rolled my eyes and lifted up the beach bag/diaper bag. "We're ready." I noticed Libby was wearing a long shirt on over her bikini and I wondered what she was wearing under it...

David was waiting outside by Libby's car. "I think we should take the jeep." I said, looking between all three vehicles. "It's a bit more...beachy." "Beachy?" Jamie asked me, smiling. "You're right." Libby said, "I didn't want to sand-up my car anyways." David nodded and started towards Jamie's car. "Somebody has to sit on somebody's lap then because I only have two extra seats, the car seat takes up the third." "Not it!" Libby yelled. "I call shot-gun."

The Baby (bump) Blues [FINISHED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant