The baby (bump) blues (Part 2)

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(Thank-you for all of those who have read this far - tell me what you think)

Two months along-

Jamie had been helping me out a lot. After that first night, we had gone to the drug store, and bought some pre-natal vitamins and healthy snacks. He stole the shopping list at my house and added on nutritious food for me, I was still in such shock that my situation hadn't even registered until this morning when I'd barfed up my orange juice and eggs. I had gotten to school late, but Jamie gave me some crackers to nibble on and water to keep handy at school. The band room held the same comforts for me that it always did and I suddenly felt guilty for not playing for a while. Even the piano at my house had gone untouched for the last month; I sighed, settling onto the wooden bench, pressing a button to get a note. "La, la, la, la la." I sang, warming up my voice. I cracked my knuckled and began playing 'The Climb' and singing it out at my own slow, easy pace. I didn't even notice him there until the song was over and he clapped. My eyes popped open and I came face-to-face with Mr. Patel (the sub/arts coordinator) and David, they were both smiling. "I'm sorry Mr. Patel," I said, jumping up and regretting it because I instantly got nauseous. Mr. Patel smiled, "Oh no, you're fine. Actually, I loved it..." He paused, watching my panic subside. "I have a proposition for you. We've been holding try-outs for a student to sing the National Anthem, I would love to end them already." He laughed at some inside joke, David laughed too. "Would you like to sing it?" I started, looking from Mr. Patel to David. "Wait, you want me to sing the National the upcoming football game?" Mr. Patel smiled like a fool and nodded. I felt a flutter in my stomach, that was NOT anxiety, and my hand automatically flew to my hard stomach. Now I was the one smiling, I nodded, "Sure, why not?" Up until a few years ago, I had sung at public events every weekend...this would be fun. Mr. Patel hugged me tightly and then grabbed a bag from the floor, putting it on top of the piano. He opened the first box and wrinkled his nose, "Spicy pepper Jack and muso-pork, that's yours." He handed the open box to David, and as it passed me I got a huge whiff of it. I dropped my bag on the floor and hauled ass to the nearest bathroom. The bell for the final period had already rung by the time I finished vomiting my guts out. I washed my hand thoroughly, and my mouth, took out a piece of gum and texted Jamie: Don't ever! mention or get muso-pork again or I swear I'll vomit on your shoes." He texted back two minutes later: I added it to our 'no' list, stay strong babe. When I got back to the band room, David was gone, but Mr. Patel was there, playing chop-sticks on his piano. he looked up when he saw me and smiled a rather understanding smile. He scooted over and patted the space next to him, I walked over and sat down. The room smelled like evergreens and Christmas time, which was a relief. Mr. Patel was watching me so I said, "I think I have the flu..." He nodded and said, "My sister had the...flu, a few times. Ginger ale really helped her, also," He reached under the piano and pulled out an aerosol can. "When ever a small upset her...flu, she would spray this in the room and it soothed her nausea." I watched Mr. Patel put the can into my bag and a tear escaped my eye. He wipe it away and said, "I'll write you a sick-slip for class today; why don't we work-out your voice?" He began playing the Anthem beat on the piano and a smile spread across my face as I began the song.

When the bell ran to go home, Mr. Patel squeezed my shoulder. "You have real talent Cheyenne, I can really see you going somewhere with it." I smiled at him, grabbed my bag, and ran out to meet Jamie. He was leaning against the stair banister when I got outside and I threw myself into his arms. "Mr. Patel said Ginger ale and evergreen air spray will help with the spontaneous up-chucking." Jamie held his hand up, "First off, ew, I just ate. And second, you told him?" I shook my head, "He just knew." Jamie smiled and pulled me in for another hug. I noticed David watching us from under a tree, a strange look on his face. Jamie grabbed my hand, oblivious to the situation, and dragged me to his Jeep Wrangler. 'Puke on the floor and I'll have to kill you." He warned. I laughed, buckling in. "Don't tell me, tell nausea central in here." I said, pointing to my tummy. Jamie got in the Jeep and leaned over, putting his face near my belly, "Hey baby," He said. "Stop making mommy puke, she's skinny enough already." I laughed again and pushed him away; we started off for the doctors.

~Davids POV~

It was middle school when I first noticed her, she was bold and carefree and the most beautiful girl I'd even seen. She stayed after school everyday and practiced for cheerleading and singing. Ever pep-rally started with her amazing voice and then her accurate moves on the mats. I didn't notice the other girls, only her. She won each talent show and always thanked her mom at the end...she'd always been bright and bubbly, until the end of freshmen year. I still don't know what happened, but I know something did, and after that, she changed. For a while she was dating Nick Quinn, but sophomore year ended that relationship, and I stilled waited, for my chance to be brave and ask her out, but, I just wasn't. It was my cousin's party that finally changed things for me. I had my liquor confidence, from three beers and four shots, and Will, my cousin, bet me I wouldn't talk to her. I proved him wrong by boldly walking over and pulling her onto the dance floor; things got pretty hot after that. It had been so unreal, I mean in one moment I had gone form the guy who listened to her sing out her sorrows, to the guy who got to touch her- kiss her, to nothing, because I could see now that she had a new guy. I could tell they loved each other by the way he looked at her. I should have taken the clue when she'd ignored me for a month, but I'd thought, hoped, she'd come around, I guess I was wrong...

~Chey's POV~

I was scared, with Jamie, it was easy to forget the situation I was in; but sitting on the examination table wearing one of those hospital robes for pregnant women (the kind with the hole on the stomach), things began to become clear. I was alone with this, I mean yea, Jamie was here, he'd help me, but it wasn't the same. At home I had Delia, Kelsie (every other day), the mini horses we bred and raised and... mom. Mom would be so disappointed if she found out, hell, in better circumstances, she'd probably would already know, but i would not let her down. She could never permit an abortion, she was pro-life, but what would she want...? Hell, what did I want? The doctor, a beautiful older women, came in and smiled at me sweetly. "Hello honey, are you ready for your ultra-sound?" I gulped and nodded, squeezing Jamie's hand. "who is this?" she asked, "Daddy?" We both said 'no' at the same time and then laughed. "No, he's just my best friend." The doctor gently fingered my belly and then grabbed the blue jelly. "This will be really cold, sweetie." The jelly squirted out onto my flat stomach and I flinched, but the doctor quickly rubbed it in and turned on her machine. "So you're...sixteen, right?" I nodded as she moved the imager to locate the baby. "We have some questions." Jamie said, pulling out a notepad he had in his pocket. "Chey had been very sick, starting today, is there anything we can do for that? Also, we bought some mommy vitamins and are following the label, but we don't know if it's the right brand. Oh, and which exercise regiments should she follow or avoid.." Jamie trailed off and took a breath, the doctor laughed. "You're a good friend..." "Jamie." He supplied. "I'll write a prescription for Chey here, some extra vitamins that her body will need because she's still young. As for the puking, it's completely normal, for new mothers, it's always worse, ginger ale really helps." "That's what my music coach said." I added. "And for everything else, I have some books you can have, read them and they'll answer all your questions. Exercising is good, at he beginning, the type doesn't matter, but as you get farther along you'll need to stick to easier regiments." The doctor paused and looked at the screen. Her eyebrows bounced together and then she smiled. "Oh!" Jamie exclaimed. "What about stretch marks?" "Coco butter." The doctor whispered, and then pressed a button on the monitor. The quiet room suddenly filled with the sounds of a fluttering heart-beat. The screen automatically outlined the border of the baby and the doctor zoomed in. "This," she said, "Is your baby." Jamie squeezed my hand and some unruly tears escaped my eyes. the doctor paused the monitor and watched my reaction. "Can I-" She nodded, "Of course." She pressed another button on the monitor and another machine started up. She walked over to the printer and grabbed the ultrasound picture. "Can you tell the sex yet?" Jame asked. The doctor shook her head, "Come back in two months and we'll be able to tell." Jamie and I smiled at each other and I clutched the picture of my baby close to me. It was in that very moment that I knew what I was going to do, I was going to keep it, at all costs.

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