The baby (bump) blues (Part 12)

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Two weeks later-

(warning! :])

His hands caressed my face as he slowly kissed me; gently at first, and then deeper, more hungry-like. I reached my hands up, burying them in his thick, beautiful hair. I gave a tug and he let out a little growl, which did funny things to my stomach. His hands moved from my face to my neck, my chest, my boobs, my sides, my butt; he squeezed. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling myself as close to him as I could, there was not one part of us that wasn't touching. He positioned himself over me and then pushed; pure bliss. I kissed all over his face, his neck; I nibbled there (somehow knowing he would like that) making him squeeze me tighter. "I love you." He whispered and then started pulling back. I grabbed him and pulled him back down. "No, don't stop, never stop." I opened my eyes and his green ones were right there. David. I had been expecting David, so why did seeing Jamie there instead not surprise me? I smiled at him, pulling him down even closer, by his hair. "I love you too." I whispered...

My eyes shot open. "Finally." Jamie said, next to me. "You're sleeping the day away, and this one is a very special one." My heart was still racing from that, all too real, all too hot, dream and I was aware of my cheeks flushing thinking about it. Jamie's body next to mine excited me and I tried to calm myself down. Just a dream, I told myself. It was just a fucking dream. That did NOT help. Jamie rolled over to face me. His blond hair was tousled and he had no shirt on. My heart picked up again. "Jamie," I whispered. "What?" He asked. "Please, put a shirt on." He started at me, "Why? You have another sexy dream about me?' He scooted closer to me, licking his lips. "Are you turned on little missy?" He teased, his lips way too close to my face, my neck. The hair on my arms prickled and I bit down on my tongue. He stood up, on the bed, bringing my blanket with him, and posed, his six-pack illuminated by the morning light from my windows. "You want to touch me, and have me touch you." He sung, dancing around. "Jamie, I will kill you." He danced over to me, flexing his amazing, (gay boy!) muscles. When he was over me, he sat down, both of his legs on either sides of my hips, and placed his hands on my stomach. "Sorry little Hayden, I'm making your mommy excited." I glared at him. "I hate you." He smiled a charming smiled. "No you don't, if you hated me you wouldn't be having such perverse dreams about me. Honestly, I'm flattered, but you're corrupting sweet little Hayden." I tried to kick him, which was impossible because he was sitting on me. He leaned forward, making sure not to put too much weight on my stomach, and kissed my cheek. As he sat back up, my door opened and Libby walked in. Her eyes widened at our weird position and then she smiled, "Cheyenne has an itch she can't scratch." She teased, I growled and then laughed. "You guys are so horrible. It's my hormones." Libby laughed. "Go take a cold shower and get dressed. Party downstairs in two hours." Libby ordered, and then, "And Jamie, stop teasing her." Jamie smiled and climbed off of me. "You are a horrible friend." I told him. He slapped my ass when I got up, "Thos are the best kinds of friends."

After a very relaxing shower, I put on the pink dress that both Libby and Jamie insisted I wore, and then put on some make-up and brushed out my drying hair. I didn't expect much, Jamie, Libby, Delia, me, maybe Kelsie, but defiantly not what I saw. Delia was here, holding Star, the little appaloosa mini, on a lead rope (pink of course), Libby and her step-mom were here, Jamie and his mom and sister. Kelsie and her two girls, and presents. Lots of presents...and balloons. They had set up a party, for me, for Hayden, and they were all smiling. "It's a bit too much pink." Libby began. "But once I told Crystal, she kind of took over." Libby came over and hugged me. "You guys are too much." Jamie came over and put a 'it's a girl' crown on my head. "Cake time!" He said, "Ooh, cake for breakfast." I crooned, glad my out-of-control hormones were under control. Cake, music, laughing, belly rubbing, and then presents. A crib, bassinet, lots of pink toys and clothes, bottles, pacifiers, cute diapers with cartoon princesses on them. I was so happy. Jamie and Libby had been right, I did have support, I just had to ask and they'd be there. When everyone cleared out, hours later, Kelsie approached me. "I know how hard your first pregnancy and child can be, so here." She handed me a card. "It's a group of other teenage mothers, you'll like it, I think." I smiled at her, "Thanks." I was ready to surrender back to my bed when Libby said, "Wait, we're not done yet. One more present, and this one is for you." Libby and Jamie both grabbed one of my hands, covering my eyes with their free hands. "Guys, I'm very off-balance with this belly. If I fall, I'll be very angry." "A fall will be worth this." Libby said. They led me down my driveway a ways and then Jamie said, "Ready?" "Uh-yea?" I said. They uncovered my eyes together and in front of me was my dream car with a huge, green bow, on it. "What is this?" I asked, staring at the black 1967 Chevy Impala. "This, is what Jamie and I have been doing. Why do you think we've been so secretive with you?" I hate to admit this but I actually squealed, "This-this is too much. Oh. My. God!" Jamie and Libby both smiled. I ran over to the car and looked inside. Black leather seats, one big backseat...with a car seat? "Another present." Jamie said. "I told him it would ruin the whole look of the car, but he said it was a necessity, whatever." Libby groaned. "It's perfect. Wow." I was just too happy at this moment, something had to go wrong. "So if you love your present so much, you should drive us home because this was our ride here." I smiled, "Is it registered and stuff?" Libby nodded and climbed into the front seat, Jamie scowled at her. "Hey, I bought the car." She said, shrugging at him. "But I paid for the first six months insurance and registered the car." Jamie argued. "I'll drop her off first Jamie, and then you can have the front seat." Jamie sighed and climbed into the back. I dropped Libby off first, like I'd promised, and Jamie crawled up front.

"I think your bow is attracting attention." He said, pointing to the ceiling. I shrugged, "Okay Jamie, we're alone. Now talk, you and Libby have been super secretive since...that party, and I know it wasn't just this car. So tell me, what really happened at the party?" Jamie looked at me a long time, "Uh-well, so...obviously we got drunk. Lots of drinking and then we were dancing and talking about our, sex lives, and then we met this guy. He was bi-curious," Jamie winked at me, "So the three of us went into a room..." He looked at me again. I only looked at him for a second, but I saw something there in his eyes, and then it was gone. "And so?" I asked. "What happened?" "Lots of making out and touching, he's the one who gave me that hickey, but, it was so weird. Libby didn't seem to think so, but I'm not into the whole 'bi-sex' thing I guess." I laughed. "So you and Libby both got with the same guy?" "Almost got with." He corrected. "And he was really cute." Jamie added; I pulled into his driveway. "Thank-you, for telling me the truth." I watched his face when I sat that, he had on his guilty I'm-not-telling-the-whole-truth face. I didn't question him. "Love you." I told him, smiling. He looked at me, "Love you too." "Thanks for the car, again." He nodded and then headed into his house.

The next morning-

I woke up early, having showered the night before, and got ready quickly. I texted Libby: Don't leave house. Picking u up! She texted back quickly: Bitch :/. I laughed. When I got to her house she was pouting next to her car. "Get over it, and I'm not a bitch." Libby rolled her eyes and climbed into the car. "You're lucky I like you. I don't ride to school with anyone else." I rolled my eyes now. After a minute I said, "So Jamie told me about the party. It" I smiled innocently. Libby looked at me and then sighed. "Thank-god. I've been wanting to say something, but since he hadn' was so weird. We were gonna do it, everyone willing, I mean, this guy was hot, and like, I don't know what happened. He seemed so into it, and then he jumped up." "Who, the guy?" I asked, pulling into the parking lot and parking in Libby's spot. She looked at me, "No Jamie. He was all 'I can't do this' and then left." She glared at nothing and the shrugged, "Yea, it was weird. Wait, didn't you say he told you?" My eyes got wide, "Of course." She punched my arm, "Liar. He did not, ooh, lucky you're pregnant." She got out of the car. I followed, "There's more isn't there?" I asked. "Nope." She said, "No more." She wasn't going to say anything else. Bitch, I thought.

I spent my time focusing on school and finishing all the work I'd missed. Mr. Patel gave me a free day and we talked about all the baby stuff I'd gotten, and my new car. Sadly, I fell asleep during American Government, but I'm sorry, that class just isn't interesting. Luckily, I'd left my phone on record and only had to take notes. After school, Libby was waiting for me by my car. "Hey," I said. "Ready to go home?" She glared at me, "Uh-duh? I wanted to leave campus twice today. Came outside to get my car, and it wasn't here!" I laughed at her. "Anyways," She climbed in next to me. "You hear from my brother today?" I shook my head as we pulled away from school, "Honestly," I added. "It's probably for the better." Libby frowned. "Well, my dad and his mom are both in agreement. They told him to let you come to him, so, don't expect him to come running to you." I squeezed the steering wheel. "Why are you telling me this?" Libby shrugged. "I can really hate him sometimes, I mean, younger brothers right? But I do love him, and I just want you to realize that he's stepping back for you, so don't give up on him yet." I stared at her for a minute, swerving the car. "Wow, I think that is the most loving thing y you've ever said. You, Elizabeth Eve Rosser, love your brother." "And if you repeat that to anyone," Libby warned. "I will have to kill you." I laughed and then got serious. "I'm not wrong though. He was the one who avoided me and this situation, not the other way around. I have a right to be angry." Libby nodded, "Of course you do. Just try to remember how you felt about each other before this whole thing happened." We pulled into her driveway, just as David was getting out of his car. He looked over at me and half smiled, I looked at Libby, "Just-tell him I still need time." She nodded and got out of the car.

Because I was #5 on the 'What's new' popular list, I uploaded this chapter as well today. Feedback please? Thank-you fans <3

ALSO: tell me what you think about Jamie...David. Do you think she should forgive him or do you think she should not? :]]

Do you think you can guess what is going to happen next??

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