The baby (bump) blues (Part 4)

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Sorry that the last chapter was so short, but, it was suppose to be part of this chapter and I thought it would be too long so I individualized it. Thank-you to all of you who have voted. Comments would be appreciated so I know whether or not you like it :] Thanks.


Three months-

October was cold and annoying, and really, I'd never liked winter; but, this year, I embraced it. Having an excuse to wear bulkier clothes made me feel much better about my growing bump. Two weeks ago, I had performed the National Anthem to the whole, pro-football school majority, and now Mr. Patel wanted me to represent the school in a sing-off. "Mr. Patel," I argued, during my free period, which I now used as my condition hour. "You're aware of my...condition. I can't be the size of a house and represent the school." Mr. Patel laughed at me, laughed! "Excuse me, what's so funny?" I asked, fighting the smiled on my own face. "Cheyenne, you're a beautiful, talented, singer. When you open your mouth, they won't notice your stomach, hell, you could look like Godzilla with your voice and no one would care." I sighed and leaned on the piano, I didn't believe him, but it felt good to hear him say it. "You obviously haven't been in High School since the Ice Age." I joked, Mr. Patel pretended to be shocked. "Ms. Cheyenne, I'm only thirty-four." We both laughed and he handed me a packet. "Fill this out and give it to me tomorrow." I smiled, "thank-you, for being so great. Only you and my best friend know about...this." I said, touching my growing belly. Mr. Patel frowned, "I'm glad you trust me, but don't you think you should tell someone else, your mom?" My heart lurched, my mom. What would she think if I could tell her? "I-I can't." I whispered. "What about the father?" My eyes grew wide and I reached into my pocket, handing Mr. Patel the ultrasound. He put on his glasses and stared at the blob that was my baby. He smiled and I saw a glint in his eye. "Wow, how wonderful. I remember when my ex-wife was pregnant, she always glowed." He looked up, "Just like you." And right on que, David walked in. I grabbed my sweater and held it in front of me tightly. Mr. Patel tucked the ultrasound in his coat pocket, thank-god for him. "Hey, did you give her the form?" David asked, excited. Mr. Patel smiled and I awkwardly pulled on my sweater while David wasn't looking; it was my old school jacket, two sizes bigger than my size, which meant, perfect for covering up a growing bump...and boobs. Actually, it was Jamie, of all people, who noticed the boobs. I had been worked hard since then to keep them covered. The bell rang, giving me my out. "Class time." I squeaked, backing out the door. It seemed like I was going to make it when David turned to face me, "Cheyenne, you look nice today." I smiled at him, then Mr. Patel, before slipping into the crowded hallway and heading towards my locker. I passed Will and Tara, swapping spit in the middle of everyone and then got a text from Jamie: know you said 2 wait, but I got excited! Bought some baby stuff, love you. I rolled my eyes, leave it to Jamie to buy stuff for my, it, baby.

I avoided Dalia and Kelsie that next week, saw my mom a few times, but only long enough to say, "hi." Rumors of a homecoming "after-party" traveled around school, and I hadn't even considered going until Tara approached me. "I know you said you wouldn't go to anymore, but the whole school is invited, even the geeks. You have to go, its almost mandatory." I rolled my eyes and thought about the baby growing inside me. Once he or she was born I wouldn't have time for parties anymore, I sighed. "Fine, but I am not drinking or hooking up." When I got to the band room, Mr. Patel wasn't there but my ultrasound was on the piano with a note: I know you don't want anyone to know, but I do think you should tell someone, for the babies sake. Sorry I had this for so long, can't wait to meet the kid. -James Patel. I smiled and put the note in my back pocket. I left the ultrasound on the piano an played I'll stand by you, singing gently, because my mom used to sing it to me when I was little. All the books had said that your baby could hear outside noises and I hoped he or she liked my music.

For the game on Friday, since everyone was riled up, I sang my heart out. The night was quite chilly, so I was glad I'd worn my jeans. I had on my old blue cheerleading shorts over them (school colors!) and my XL cheerleading play-offs shirt, which was so big I actually had to tie it on my side. For some reason, sitting on the bleachers with everyone else, I felt so normal that I didn't even notice I was really cold. David came up behind me, I knew it was him because of the tattoo on his wrist, and put his coat on me. "Thanks." I said, "I didn't realize how cold it would get." He shrugged. "I'm from Michigan, this is nothing." "This is Florida, I'm used to sunshine and warmth." David nodded and sat next to me. We didn't talk for a while and then he said, "Did I do something wrong?" I looked over and him and frowned. "Huh?" "Well we had fun, right? The two of us." Gulp! "Yea," I whispered. "We did, I just thought...well, that it was just a hook-you. You know, that happens. You're drunk, I'm drunk, bada-bing." David smiled at me, "Is that all you wanted it to be?" I looked at him hard, really looked, and my heart skipped a beat. Little no-gender baby fluttered in my belly. I smiled a secret smile, "I honest don't know, I mean...we don't really know each other," David watched me talking. "I think we've gotten to know each other, more recently." He meant at my conditioning with Mr. Patel, which he was usually present at. "True. We've done this kind of backwards." I admitted. "Meet, get to know each other, fall in love, get married, have a baby...we just got it all wrong." I realized my mistake then, but David didn't seem to catch on. "Yea, I'm sorry for that." I laughed, "Don't be, we had fun, but I think that's all it was." I saw his face harden. "Your boyfriend, is it him?" "My what?" I asked, "That blond, surfer-type, he's your boyfriend?" I realized now that I had an out, pretend Jamie was my boyfriend and not have to have my heart broken by David. I'd probably regret it later, but technically it wasn't a lie. Jamie was my boy--friend, "Yes," I said. "Jamie is my...boyfriend." David sighed and then cheered up. "I'll see you at the party tonight, right?" I lightened up with his mood change. "Of course I'll be there."

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