"Mark," Derek nodded to him. 

"I'm in the room," Mark said.

"Okay," Webber nodded.

The sirens wailed as the ambulance pulled up, and everyone prepared themselves to start working when the doors opened.

"Okay, Hunt you're in charge," Webber said.

"All right everyone, multiple trauma protocol," Owen said, as the doors to the ambulance opened, and Arizona stepped out, "Let's go."

"Tachycardic and hypotensive en route," Arizona said, as she stepped out, "Obvious head and chest injuries." 

"Callie. Callie?" Owen said to her, as she laid on the stretcher, blood covering her face, as well as an oxygen mask over her mouth, "We got you, you hear me? Everything's going to be okay."

"She's hemorrhaging," Meredith said.

"Oh hold on. Is that blood coming from her chest?" Teddy added, pushing herself up to the front.

Callie gurgled as the oxygen mask was lifted off her face, "Calliope means-means music."

"Oh honey," Bailey frowned, "We're gonna fix you up fine. Don't worry."

"She went through the windshield," Arizona said, panic in her voice.

"She just went flying through the windshield?" Alex asked.

"Uh no seatbelt or airbags?" I looked to Arizona.

"She took it off!" Arizona said.

"Maintain C-spine immobilization," Cristina said.

"How are her vitals?" Mark asked.

"Last one was 80 over palp," The paramedic said.

"She lost a lot of blood, make sure she gets lots of fluids," Mark said.

"Callie can you blink for me?" Derek asked, as he shone a light a in her eyes.

"Extra ocular movements intact," Meredith said.

"Pupils equal and reactive," Derek countered.

"Set up a chest tray," Teddy told Cristina. 

"Let's get the fetal monitor set up," I said, looking to Alex.

"I need to hold pressure! Let's go! Come on!" Derek shouted.

I looked over to Mark, his hands held up to his head. Panic in his face, barely holding himself together through all of it.

"Out of the way! Move!" Webber yelled as we started to wheel her in, "Move!"

The wheels on the gurney rattled against the floor as we moved her into the closest, available trauma room. 

"Torres. You stay with me. You stay with me. You got that?" Owen looked at her.

"One...Two...Three," Owen said, as we transported her.

"Get those IV's up!" Bailey said.

"And make sure those lines are patent!" Webber added.

We all got to work, not wanting to waste a second of the little time we had. 

"Depressed skull fracture with a probable bleed," Derek said.

"I'll do a trauma ultrasound," Jackson said, getting the equipment ready.

"Tell C.T. to get ready for her," Meredith said.

"No breath sounds on the right," Teddy held the stethoscope to her chest, "Set up a test tube."

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now