thirty :::

7.9K 133 16

[ on a scale of one to ten we're twelve ]

"Back up you're sucking up all my oxygen," Bailey said

"I'm trying to see," Derek said.

"There's nothing to see," Bailey told him.

"The rankings aren't up yet?" I asked, joining the group that huddled around Bailey, who sat at one of the computers.

"It's supposed to be posted at four," Hahn whined.

"It's 4:15," Mark looked at his watch.

"Hit the refresh button," Cristina said, reaching down to the mouse.

"I'm hitting the refresh button," Bailey slapped her hand away.

"No that's the close button, that's the refresh button," I pointed on the screen, "You know the arrow moving in a circle."

"I know what the refresh button is," Bailey rolled her eyes.

"Hey move out of the way, I can't see," Cristina said trying to push me outta the way.

"Your fault for being short," I shrugged.

"Well it's not my fault you're so freakishly tall," Cristina groaned.

"I'm not freakishly tall," I frowned, "I'm just a little above average."

"Is it up yet?" Meredith asked.

"No," Bailey said.

"Try refreshing," Meredith said.

"I'm refreshing!" Bailey said, frustrated.

"Brandy, you're too tall move," Meredith told me.

"God, why does everyone have a problem with my height," I frowned.

"Is it up yet?" Alex asked.

"No! Wait!" Bailey scolded him.

"I bet we move up a space, pass Hopkins," Mark said.

"No, I'm thinking we're gonna stay number two," Derek said.

"Mayo could pass us, and we could become three," Hahn said.

"Three? Pessimist," Derek said.

"No, realist," She said, "The classification of teaching hospital relies on many criteria."

"Three's top five, I can live with top five," Mark said.

"Just hit the refresh button," Alex said reaching for the keyboard.

"Stay back!" Bailey slapped his hand, "I'm doing this."

"Is it up yet?" Izzie ran up to us.


"Oh just hit the refresh button," She said, grabbing the mouse.

"I am refreshing!" Bailey turned around in her chair, violently, causing all of us to step back, "Okay, all of you, step back, quit hovering, quit speculating. The rankings will go up when they go up. We have no control over when they go up. When they are up I will say, 'It's up.' Until then shut up and leave me alone so I can push the-"

"It's up," I pointed to the screen.

Everyone quickly moved in and looked at the screen.

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now