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I woke up and saw Mark was fast asleep on the couch. It meant a lot to me that he had stayed. I didn't quite remember what had happened that night but I noticed I had changed my clothes.

I started to think about back when I was younger. That's all I had dreamt about, all night. Mostly of my grandpa. I didn't know what to think. It was all so new to me. I hadn't really lost anyone so close to me before.

I looked over at the clock and saw it was already six. I got up and went over to wake up Mark. I lightly tapped him, "Hey."

He opened his eyes and sat up.

"Hi, uh sorry to throw you out like this but you need to leave before my family wakes up, thanks for everything, but is it alright if we never speak about any of this again because I'm pretty embarrassed right now." I said, "Actually, I need you to drive me to the bar so I can get my truck."

After that followed one of the most awkward car rides I've ever had. Everything about it was horrible.

"Hey, I don't know if you remember anything from last night, you were pretty drunk by the time I got you home, but I just wanted to let you know nothing happened."

"Thank you," I said, not looking down at my lap and playing with my thumbs.

"And you don't have anything to be embarrassed about," he said.

I sighed, "I'm sorry to get you into the middle of this."

"It's okay, I don't mind," he said, as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Thanks," I said before hopping out of the car, and getting into mine.

I decided to stop by Meredith's house. It sure had been a crazy night, I wanted to check up on them.

"Hello?" I said as I entered into the house. I followed the smell of something baking into the kitchen, "Izzie?" I saw Izzie was up bushy eyed and bright tailed. That's how that goes right?

"Brandy! Nice to see you," she said perkily.

"A cake? A three tier cake? What's this for?" I asked.

"Nothing special. I just felt like baking a cake!" She smiled.

"Right," I said, "I'm gonna go find Mer, okay?"

"Alright, have fun!"

I quickly left the kitchen and went upstairs. "Meredith?" I called.

"Hey," Meredith popped out of her room, "How are you doing?"

"Fine," I nodded, "I'm starting to get sick of my family though."

"Well you're welcome to stay here, I know family can get annoying ," Meredith said.

I sighed, "No it's okay, thanks though. You guys ready to leave soon? I'm excited to get back to work."

"Are you sure you are ready?" Meredith asked.

I was different than a lot of people. Most people would take time off from work when someone died but I was excited to go back, even being gone one day, I was missing it. I knew it would help me take my mind off of everything going on.

"Yeah, I think I am. I'm sure that there are some interesting cases waiting too."

And right I was. Bailey brought the five of us to a room that seemed to just be Mark, Derek, and Webber, then I heard the sound of two voices bickering in the bathroom.

"God! How often do you have to pee?" a voice shouted.

"I'm sorry I have a small bladder!" Another voice shouted followed by the sound of a toilet flush.

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now