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*flash forward 7 months pregnant*

It's early morning the sun is just rising in Charming. Everyone is still asleep here at the clubhouse, except me. I have a lot on my mind so I decide to go see the one person who was the best listener.
"Hey Pop." I say, putting my hand on his tombstone, sitting on the ground.
"I'm having a baby girl daddy...you always wanted another granddaughter to spoil and it's finally coming true dad. I just wish you were hear to be able to see her, and spoil her and love her like you did with Ryker and Kenny and Ellie." I lean my back against the tombstone.
"I miss you so much pop. This club is going to hell Dad, you and JT you both predicted this I don't even know what the hell is going on anymore....Ope and Jax have been distant, it's crazy dad...." I start to feel the tears running down my face, I wipe them away.
"I know I need to be strong but these dam pregnancy hormones." I say, laughing.
"Well pop...I guess I better get going...I miss you and I love you." I get up off the ground and head back to the clubhouse.
Everyone is awake by the time I get back.
"Where were you?" Hap asks me, Ryker following him.
"I went to see my dad...i needed it today.." I respond, leaning my head on his chest.
"You okay little girl?"
"I'll be alright."

Later in the afternoon were back at our house, Ryker is asleep and I'm just laying in bed with happy, my head on his chest and his fingers running through my hair.
"We need to start thinking of names this little girl could come in a few weeks and she doesn't even have a name yet."
"Ryiot" He says, causing me to prop myself up and look at him.
"What?" I ask.
"Her name should be Ryiot" he responds.
"You know I think I like that name babe."
"I knew you would that's why I said it."
"Ryiot Eliza Winston-Lowman." I say.
"That's our girls name." He responds.
"Yeah...that's our girls name." I give him a kiss before laying back down to go to sleep.

"We decided on a name last night." I tell Gemma as her and I are at the mall picking up some baby stuff.
"Oh yeah? What's that?"
"Ryiot Eliza Winston-Lowman." I reply, smiling at her.
"That's a beautiful name baby, your dad would be proud of you." She tells me, I give her a soft smile in response.

The next morning is back to the clubhouse to work in the office with Gemma, she's not letting me do much of course but it keeps me busy.
I'm finishing up some of the repo paperwork and once I'm done I get up to take it to one of the guys in the garage.
"Hey Jui....Oh fuck me!" I yell out, well Fuck there's my first contraction.
"Uhhh...you okay Har? Should I go get Hap or Opie?" He asks.
"No I'm good juice, I promise." I say to him walking over to hand him the paper. I start to walk away but I turn back around to him, raising a finger in the air.
"You don't tell anyone about that you hear me? Not Happy, Not Opie, Not Gemma, nobody!"
"Harley you should probably tell them you probably need to go to the hospital!"
"No Juice!" I say pointing my finger into his chest.
"Okay okay I won't say anything!" He says.
"Good!" I reply and walk back into the office.

Fucking hell...the contractions are getting closer together, their about ten minutes apart now. I guess I should probably tell someone.....
I walk out of the office and the guys are in the lot. I step out into the lot and as soon as I do another huge contraction hits me and my water breaks.
"FUCK ME IN HELL!" I yell out, grabbing on to the nearest person for my stability.
"We gotta go to the hospital now!" I tell the guys, Gemma loads me into her car and we're off to St Thomas all of the guys following behind us on their bikes.
We arrive at St Thomas and the first person we see is Tara.
"What's going on everything ok?" She asks.
Just then another contraction hits and I yell out.
"She's in labor!" Gemma says.

I was in labor for two hours....two painfully long hours....my baby girl is finally here though. She's so precious, she actually looks like me. Ryker looked exactly like Happy but my baby girl she looks like me.
Tara brings her back into the room and Happy immediately grabs her from Tara.
"I gotta daughter...never thought that this would happen..." I smile at their interaction, she's got him wrapped around her finger already. Gemma brings Ryker in to see Ryiot and I can't help but smile at this. My little family is finally completed and I couldn't be happier.

A/N~ So this story will probably be coming to an end soon. I started my second story and I'd love it if you all would go check it out! It's a Tig/O.C story called "Return of the Samcro Princess." I'm so excited to write it I have some big things planned for it. I also will be starting my Chibs/O.C story here in the next couple weeks as well! Thank you all again for reading my story and please go check out my new Tig story! Much love!

Kaeli ♥️

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