Hot Momma

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I woke up to an empty bed, I stretch before getting up and taking a shower. I finish my shower and walk into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee but Happy has already made it for me.
"Your finally up."  He says to me, wrapping his arms around me.
"Oh shut up you wore me out last night!" I reply.
He kisses the top of my head,
"Good." I slap his arm playfully before going to the living room to get my shoes on.
"You ready?" I ask.
"I'm always ready." He replied.
He gets on his bike and I get in my car and we're off to the clubhouse.
I park my car in the lot where I always do, checking my makeup in the mirror before stepping out of the car.
"Well hello gorgeous!" Tig says from the garage as I walk closer to the clubhouse.
"Morning Trager." I say with a smirk before walking into the clubhouse.
I see Gemma sitting at the coffee table with Ryker in her lap and Tara and Lyla next to her.
They turn around when they hear the door open.
"Well hello hot momma!" Gemma says, standing up to give me a hug.
"Hey Gem, ladies." I say shooting a smile at Tara and Lyla.
"Ma-ma-ma-ma" Ryker says, running up to my legs, hugging them.
I pick him up.
"Hey little man! Did you miss me?" I ask him and he nods.
"Was he okay for you last night?" I ask Gemma.
"Of course he's always great when he's with his favorite Grandma!" She says.
I sit Ryker on the couch and I go make myself another cup of coffee.
The guys come in and go straight to the chapel.
"Clay looks pissed off." I say.
"When does he not?" Gemma replied, earning a laugh from everyone.
"Easy tiger!" I say, giggling.
"So did you have a good night?" Lyla asks me.
"Yeah I did why?"
"Your glowing!" She says.
"No I'm not!" I respond.
"Yes you are!" Tara says.
"I don't know what you guys are talking about, maybe I'm just in a good mood." I say with a smirk.
"Mmhmm okay..." Gemma says.
"We haven't seen you this happy in a long time, what happened?" Tara asks.
"Nothing, I just had a good night..." I say.
"That response tells me she got a good Fucking!" Gemma replies, I turn to look at her.
"Oh my god Gemma!" I say, letting out a giggle.
"What? Tell me it's not true!" She says, putting her hand on her hip and raising her eyebrow.
I sigh.
"Okay fine...."
"So that's why your glowing?" Lyla asks.
" was great...." I say.
"We can tell by the way you've been smirking every since you've got here." Tara replies.
"Am I not aloud to fuck my old man?" I ask.
"Oh honey you go right a head and fuck him all you want but you need to work on your pokerface darlin!" Gemma says, wrapping her arm around me.
The guys come out and are gathering around the bar, farther away from us.
"It's okay I had a great time last night too!" Lyla says in her cheery voice.
"Oh god Lyla I love you but I really don't want or need to hear about you fucking my brother!" I say, pretending to gag.
"So you want to hear about me and Jax then?" Tara asks.
"I don't want to hear about anyone's sex lives!" I say giggling.
"How many times did y'all do it last night?" Lyla asks.
I glance at her.
"Yeah I wanna know the answer to this too because your on your fifth cup of coffee this morning and you look like you've just won the lottery!" Gemma says, removing her hand from around me and putting it on her hip.
"Oh my gosh you guys!" I say.
"How many times?" Gemma says.
"Umm...." just before I can say anything else I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me.
"Five." Happy says from behind me. I turn around in his arms and slap his chest.
"Hey!" I say.
"What? I ain't ashamed to tell the world that I fucked my old lady all night long, why should I be? I fucking love you Harley!" My mouth drops open....
Christ he's so hot when he gets worked up...
Without thinking I grab him and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. I hear a few claps and cheers from behind me so I  flip them off.
"Can you two get a dam room? Please?" Opie says and I break the kiss.
"Why? You don't like the show?" I ask, jokingly.
"God I think I'm gonna throw up, please don't ever say that again!" He tells me, pretending like he's gonna throw up.
"You love me!" I say, jumping on his back playfully like I did when we were kids.
"Yeah yeah I guess your alright!" He says, laughing.
"Excuse me?" I say, acting offended.
"Oh shut it you know I love you sis now get the hell off of me!" He says.
"Nah I think I'm good up here, kinda like the view!" I say.
He starts to try to shake me off and I refuse to give up.
"Alright now children settle down! It's like seeing you two run around here when you were younger! Dam kids!" Gemma says, laughing.
"Yes mother!" Me and Ope say in response, and I jump off of his back.

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