It's a....

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I woke up with this dam morning sickness at 6am, rushing to the bathroom and puking my guts out, trying to be as quite as possible so I don't wake up Happy.
"Dam" I whisper to myself as I'm catching my breath. I know I won't be able to go back to sleep now so I decide on a shower. I get out of the shower before getting dressed and making my way into the main room of the clubhouse, I see Gemma sitting at the bar drinking coffee so I decide to get my own cup and join her.
"Hey darlin, you doing alright?" She asks.
"Morning sickness is getting to me."
"It'll go away it won't be this bad for much longer doll." She tells me patting my back.
"Thanks Mama Gem."
"Anytime hunny, you got any big plans today?"
"Uhh....I don't think so....oh wait I do have an ultrasound appointment at eleven, Tara said this is one where we could find out what we're having!" I say with a bit of excitement. God I can't wait to find out what my little bugger is. I absentmindedly started rubbing my baby bump.
Gemma looks down at me smiling,
"You look excited hon." I look back up at her smiling,
"You know Gem, I think I am." The smile lingers on my face for a little bit longer as we sit there talking. At around 8am, Gemma decides she's gonna make breakfast so she gets to work on making pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and toast. Oh and of course more coffee. The smell starts to wake the guys up, because they slowly start to come out from the back. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and strong hands on my bump before getting a kiss on the neck from my old man.
"Well Good morning to you too!" I tell him, letting out a giggle as I turn around to kiss his lips.
"Morning princess." Tig says as he comes out of the back followed by the rest of the guys.
"Morning." I respond.
After they all eat, the guys go out to the garage, Happy, Jax and Tig staying for a little bit in the clubhouse.
"What are you doing up this early?" Hap asks me.
"Morning sickness....again...."
"I'm sorry love." He says.
"It's alright....hey I have an appointment today at eleven please tell me your gonna make it, Tara said we could find out what bugger is at this one! I wouldn't want you go miss it!" I tell him wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Gotta run at 10...sorry." He says.
I let go of him, backing up with my head down....
"Oh.....ok...." I say, a little bit of disappointment present in my voice.
He must of sensed the disappointment so he grabbed me in his arms pulling me into him tightly. I nuzzled my head into his chest and he placed a kiss on the top of my head. We stood like this for a minute before he pulled away and I start to cry, Happy wondering what he did wrong.
"It's the hormones baby she's fine." Gemma comes up from behind him saying, patting him on the shoulder.
Ten finally came and the guys were getting ready to leave for the run. We were all outside so I walked over to Happy on his bike. He placed one hand behind my back and the other on my bump while I had my hands around his neck.
"I love you." I tell him.
"I love you too princess." He responds kissing my lips.
"Stay safe okay I need you....we need you." I say looking down at my baby bump.
"You too, keep my little boy safe."
"What makes you think bugger is a little boy?!?" I ask
"Just a feeling." He says.
I kiss him one more time before the guys go to leave, guess I better go get ready for my appointment...

I arrive to St Thomas with Gemma at 11am, heading towards the maternity unit.
We get taken back to a room and I lay on the bed waiting for Tara to come in to do my scan.
"I'm excited Gem." I tell her smiling.
"Really? I never noticed!" She says sarcastically.
"You ready to find out what your little one is Harley?" Tara asks me coming into the room.
"YES!" I tell her.
"Someone's excited!" She says with a smile.
"Tell me about it, she's been going all morning!" Gemma says causing Tara to laugh.
"Alright let's get started then!" Tara says rubbing the cold blue gel onto my baby bump.
"Well baby sure does have a strong heart beat, that's good! Now let's find out what your having!" Tara says and Gemma squeezes my hand.
"You ready to find out?" Tara asks moving the wand over.
"More than ever." I tell her.
"Alright looks like your having yourself a baby boy!!" She says and my mouth drops open and my eyes go wide.
"A boy!" I somewhat yell.
"That's what she said." Gemma says with a smile on her face.
"Oh my god I'm having a little boy!"

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