The Cabin Pt. 1

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I couldn't sleep at all last night, between the talks of another kid and the marriage idk....I get up around 10am and head to the clubhouse, the guys have already left for the run so he's just us girls and the kids at the club.
"What's on your mind?" Gemma asks me as we're all sitting around the coffee table.
"What?" I ask, zoning back in to the conversation.
"You've been staring into space for the last ten minutes what's on your mind?"
"Oh nothing everything is fine." I reply, playing with the handle of my coffee cup.
"Harley Joel Winston I am your godmother I've known you all your life I know when something is on your mind now tell me what are you thinking about?" She replies.
I let out a sigh.
"Last night, after everyone went home, I put Ry to bed and Happy and I were laying in bed.......He said he wants another baby....."  I explain.
"Awww that's great!" Lyla says.
"He wants to get married too..." I say.
"Do you want that?" Tara asks me.
"I do...."
"Then why are you thinking so hard about this?!?" Gemma says.
"I just....I don't know, I guess I'm just stunned, we never really talked about it before last night. It's sudden but I want another kid and I want to get married. I'm just shocked that's all...."
"Ah baby, it'll be ok hun. You know your a good mom, and an amazing old lady, you will make an amazing wife." Gemma replies.
"Yeah...your right....thanks ma." I say.
"Any time baby." She says, hugging me.
The guys arrive back to the club a little while later, Opie comes up to me immediately.
"Hey Ope I got some news!" I say.
"Can it wait? Have you seen Pop?" He asks, I look at him confused.
"No...I haven't seen him since last night...he left early....I thought he was with y'all?" I say.
"No he wasn't...dammit...did he say where he was going?" He asks.
"Yeah, the cabin you know his favorite getaway."
"That's probably where he is, I'm gonna go check on him." He replies.
"Hey wait for me I'm gonna go with you!"  He nods his head in response and I run off to tell Happy and the ladies I'm going with my brother.
"Hey guys I'm gonna go check on pop with Opie, be back later!" I say, they all say okay and i follow Opie out to his truck, we pass Sheriff Unser on the way out.
"Oh hey Wayne, how are you today?" I ask, knowing he's been dealing with the cancer.
"I'm here, where are you two headed?" He asks.
"Going to go check on the old man." Opie replies, Wayne nods and heads into the clubhouse as we head to the truck.
It's silent the first few minutes in the car.
"He's been drinking a lot more lately..." I say.
"Yeah something's going on." Opie says.
"Ope....I think I know something that might be causing this..."
"Well? What is it?" He says.
I sigh.
"Promise me you won't say anything." I say.
"Harley what the hell is going on?" He says, the worry present in his voice.
"Opie the other day he got all worked up about something that Tara found." I say, looking at him.
"What was it?" He asks.
"H-he said it was JT's manuscript, idk he said that if Gemma or Clay found out that it had come to light that bad shit would happen."
"What kind of bad shit?"
"Harry Idk Okay? He said a lot of bad shit happened with the club before we were born, stuff that didn't need to be talked about."
He sighs.
"Promise you won't say anything big brother?"
"I promise sis." He says and just then we pull up to the cabin, dads bike is here that's a good sign, right?
I hear a car in the distance but don't think anything about it.
"Pop? You in there?" Opie yells through the door.
"Dad we know your in here your bikes out front!" I yell.
"That's it I'm knocking the door down!" Opie says, kicking the door down.
"Oh my god..." I hear him say.
"What, What is it? I ask.
"Harley stay out there...." he says.
"No what the hell is going on?!?" I ask pushing past him.
There on the floor next to the wall is my fathers lifeless body, shot dead in a pool of his own blood.

To Be Continued.....

How do you think Harley will react to this scene? Do you think it will put a damper on the wedding and kids plan? Keep reading to find out!
-Kaeli ♥️

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