Oh baby....

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*flash forward to 36 weeks pregnant*

Sitting in the office with Gemma and Chucky working on paper work as usual. My dad is off doing repos so right now it's just the three of us. I'm working on the repo list when I start to get this weird feeling in my abdominal area. Chucky must have noticed me squirm.
"Hey uh Harley, you alright over there?" He asks, causing Gemma to look up at me.
"Yeah I'm fine, I think it was just a hard kick. This little boy is definitely gonna be a fighter." I say with a little laugh, going back to my repo list.
"Agh!" I say, wincing in pain.
"You sure your okay?" Chucky asked again.
"I'm fine Chucky!" I say, trying to catch my breath.
"You know doll maybe we should get you to St. Thomas, we can get you checked out, just to be safe ya know?" Gemma says.
"No I don't wanna go right now, I'm fine! Like I said he's probably just kicking." I say, starting to get a little frustrated.
"Alright if you insist." She replies.
The feeling keeps coming in waves.
I'm all good for a little bit until about five minutes later when a really big pain hits me.
"FUCK ME!" I yell out, startling Gemma and Chucky.
"Alright that's it, I'm taking you to St. Thomas." Gemma says.
"I don't need to go Gemma I'm fine!!" I yell.
"You don't get to argue with me about this Harley Joel Winston, I had two of my own kids and I know your in labor!!!" She yells back at me.
"There's no way in hell that I'm in labor right now! Im only 36 weeks, its not time!" I say. Just then feeling a warm sensation run down my pants.
"Fuck." I say, realizing that Gemma was right.
"Your water just broke and I'm taking you to St Thomas, now go get in the car! Chucky call Piney tell him what's going on and your in charge of the office for now!"
Chucky nods in agreement.
*At St. Thomas*

"We need Dr. Knowles!" Gemma tells the nurse at the desk.
Tara finally arrived a few minutes later.
"What's going on everything okay?!?" She asks.
"She's in labor." Gemma tells her.
Tara walks us into a room and I get changed. Shortly later a nurse walked in to see how much I'm dilated.
"Oh sweetheart your at a 9, we're gonna have to get you to start pushing soon!" The nurse says.
"Ahhh!" I yell in pain as another contraction hits me.
"Okay Harley i guess you've figured out that it's to late for an epidural....." Tara says.
"What the hell do you mean it's to late for an epidural?!?!?"
"Well it looks like little Ryker is ready to make an appearance and he's not doing it slowly....I'm gonna need you to push now..." Tara tells me.
"You can do this Harley." Gemma tells me, holding my hand as I start pushing.
"Fuuuuuck me!!!" I yell out in pain.
"Your doing great Harley, just a few more pushes!" Tara says.
After ten more minutes of painful pushing I finally here a faint cry.
"You did good mama." Tara tells me.
"Can I see him?!?" I ask
"We're gonna get him cleaned up, take some measurements since he's a little early, then you can."
"Ok thanks Tara."
"Yeah no problem."
*20 minutes later*

"You've got a healthy baby boy!" Tara says coming back in with Ryker in her arms.
"How much does he weigh doc?" Gemma asks.
"8lbs, 5oz and 21 inches all healthy." She says.
"Wow gotta big boy already!" Gemma says.
"Hey!" I say acting offended.
"You know I'm joking!"
"Yeah I know, now Tara can you please hand me my baby!"
"Yeah, I'll give y'all some time alone." She says leaving the room.
"Well hello handsome." I say in a little voice holding onto Ryker who is looking around with his soft brown eyes.
"Poor kid looks like his daddy!" Gemma says, I give her a look.
"Kidding! Geez." She replies.
Just then my dad walks in.
"Give me my grandson!"
"Well yes dad it's good to see you too!"
"Yeah yeah! Look at you little man, we got a future Son right here! Ain't that right little man!" Dad says.
"Oh god." I say , laughing.
"I'm so proud of you darlin." Dad tells me.
"Congratulations mama!" Gemma tells me with a smile. I'm so in love with my little Ryker Grant, he's perfect. ♥️

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