Not a Rat

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Harley POV:

The next morning I woke up early to help out Gemma in the office with some paperwork.
"Hey Har" She says.
"Yeah Gem?"
"You seen Ope today? I haven't seen him since he left the club last night." She says.
"No actually I haven' something wrong?" I ask.
"Oh no I was just wondering....he's probably with the kids." She says.
"Yeah probably." I say with a look of suspicion on my face.
She must of picked up on my expression.
"Hey why don't you go get us some coffee from the clubhouse?"
"Yeah of course mama Gem."
With that I made it out the office doors, walking into the clubhouse....empty, the boys must be in church. I let out a sigh.

Happy POV:

Clay called church so we all entered the chapel.
"Where's Ope?" Clay asks.
"Probably with his wife and kids." Piney says.
"You know that Hefner murder there were only two witnesses, one of them is in jail and the other one..." Tig Says.
"Don't even say it asshole." Jax somewhat yells.
"Can't get ahold of him either, I've tried every number even the house." Juice says.
"The only reason my son isn't here is because he doesn't know anything." Piney exclaims with a hint of anger in his voice.
"If you say so." Tig was quick say.
"OPIE AINT NO RAT." Jax yells.
"My son would never rat." Piney says before adjusting his oxygen and walking out. With that everyone then walks out. Meeting over.

Harley POV:

As I'm fixing the coffee for Gemma and I, I hear the all to familiar voice of my best friend Jax, yell out something that I swore sounded like "Opie ain't a rat."
Nah, that couldn't have been what he said. They know that, plus what would Opie even rat on? I'm just hearing things I guess. I finish with the coffee, making my way out into the lot. I make my way back into the office, setting mine and Gemma's coffee down. Looking at this stack of paper work, "good god this is a lot." I think to myself. Looking up from the stack of paper work and out into the lot, I see an all to familiar grey Chevy Malibu pull into the belonging to the one and only Mary Winston, the so called "mother" to me and Opie.
Gemma must have seen me staring and followed me outside.
"Ah Shit." Gemma says.
Just then the rest of the guys come out of the clubhouse into the lot, including my dad.
Mary steps out of the car and I hear Jax say, "What's Opie's Mom doing here?"
"I'd like to know the same thing." I say looking over my shoulder at Jax who has the same confused look as I do on his face.
"What the hell are you doing here Mary?" Piney says, stepping forward.
"What did my son do now?" Mary says.
"What are you talking about?" Dad asks.
Just then she looked around catching a glimpse of me standing in between Jax and Happy.
"Oh what a surprise my delinquent daughter is here too!" She says sarcastically.
I let out a scoff, and Gemma is quick to put a hand on my shoulder.
"What the hell are you doing out Harley?" She asks me.
"Standing here." I say sarcastically, a pissed off look forms on her face.
My dad shoots me a "stop" look.
"What do you mean what did Ope do now?" Gemma speaks up before my dad can say anything.
"I got a call from the DCFS telling me where I could pick up my grandkids, I was wondering if you could shed some light on why I had to lug my fat ass 75 miles up here?" Mary replies.
"DCFS?" I say shocked.
"I'm guessing by the look on your faces none of you knew, I guess I'll go get my grandkids." She says.

Happy POV:

I watched as Mary drove off and Harley started pacing back and forth through the lot.
"Hey calm down." I tell her grabbing her wrist.
"Calm down? How the hell am I supposed to calm down when my niece and nephew are in DCFS custody and my brother is nowhere to be found?" She yells.
"Princess you know it'll be ok we will figure it out, you know that." Clay says.
"Yeah whatever sure." Harley says before yanking out of my grip and walking off, back into the office.


Harley POV:

Back inside the clubhouse, things have started to calm down a bit.
"Hey Clay I got something." I hear juice say by the bar so I get up and walk over there.
"Neighbors said ATF picked him up, no resistance."
"He went willingly?" Jax asks.
"That's what it looks like." Juice says.
" way." I say.
"They paid all his bills, paid off the house and the pick up." Juice looks at me.
"Ok what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask
"Means he made a deal." Clay said
"No there's no way he wouldn't do that, Clay you know this!" I exclaim
"Opie didn't rat Clay, they must be trying to fool us. We know Opie wouldn't rat." Jax says calmly.
"Yeah, your right. Told you everything would be ok princess. It's all gonna be ok." Clay says patting me on the shoulder then walking off leaving me and Jax at the bar.

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