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It's been a week since the kidnapping and we still have no information at all except for the fact we know that it was Cameron Hayes that took Abel and killed Kip. Things have been weird around here since the incident. When Gemma found out Cameron kidnapped Abel because she killed Edmund she had a heart arrhythmia and was admitted into the hospital. ATF is watching her like a hawk now. I've been really jumpy lately, when ever someone yells or a gun goes off. I've been having nightmares as well, of the scene of that day replaying in my head over and over non stop, luckily Tara was able to get me something to stop them, she's been dealing with it as well.
I'm doing a little better since taking the pills, I'm able to smile again which I haven't done in a few days. I realized that I shouldn't be so down about Kip, yeah it's sad that he died in my arms and god knows I'll miss him forever he was my friend, but I know he wouldn't want me to be so tore up. I'm sitting at the table feeding Ryker his breakfast and drinking my coffee when Happy comes out of the bedroom.
"Hey babe." I say standing up to kiss him.
"Hey..." he responds, I can tell something's wrong by the way he said it.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"We gotta go, clubs on lockdown until we find Abel." He tells me.
I sigh, knowing it's for the best and even if I did want to argue with him about this I wouldn't win.
"Alright let's go." I say grabbing the bags I keep packed Incase of a lockdown and loading them and Ryker into my car with Happy trailing us on his bike. We get to the clubhouse and all of the guys are in the main room, with the exception of Jax and Clay...hmm....
"Auntie Harley!" Kenny and Ellie say, running towards me, latching onto my legs.
"Hey my munchkins!" I say with my hands still full of bags, and Ryker.
I put Ryker down to play with Kenny and Ellie. "Hey you guys wanna do me a favor?" I ask.
"What is it?" Ellie replies.
"Can you two watch Ry for a little bit?"  I ask.
"Can we take him to the play room?" Kenny asks.
"Yeah sure just make sure he doesn't get hurt bub, ok?"
"Okay!" They both say at the same time.
I sigh as I watch them run off with Ryker to the kids play room at the clubhouse.
I see Happy at the bar with the rest of the guys so I decide to head over there. This is the first time since Kip died that I've been to the bar....some random crow eater is behind the bar, ugh.
I go up and order a drink, rum and coke, before going to sit on Hap's lap. Not five minutes after I sit down Jax and Clay come out of the church doors before Clay calls church...I was comfortable dammit....I see Tara and Lyla sitting on one of the couches so I grab my drink and head that way.
"Mind if I join you ladies?" I ask
"Of course not love!" Lyla says, so I sit down on the love seat.
After about an hour of laughing a talking with the girls Tara says, "they've been in there quite a while now...."
"Probably thinking of retaliation." I say.
"Yeah your probably right." She responds.
"Hey why don't we move this party to the bar? I need a drink!" Lyla says and we all move to the bar.
Thirty minutes and 2 drinks later we are still at the bar and no we are not drunk! The chapel doors finally open, figuring it's just the guys coming out we don't turn around. That is until I feel a pair of hands around my waist, hands that I don't recognize....I swing my elbow back elbowing whoever the fuck it was in the face, causing them to fall to the floor. "Stupid bitch! I think you broke my nose!!" A voice I don't recognize says.
"EXCUSE ME?!?" I yell out, jumping off the bar stool, turning around to face this mystery person.
I turn around and look at Tara and Lyla, giving them a "is this motherfucker for real right now?" Look.
"You don't get to talk to her like that!" Lyla says, standing up for me.
"Yeah you need to chill out dude!" Tara says.
"Why? Stupid whore probably broke my nose! I'll talk to her however the hell I want to!"
"Your digging your own grave but okay sure!" Tara replies.
The guy scoffs, before turning around to face two other mystery men and saying "dumbass whores!"
Alright that's it I've had enough....
"Kids still asleep?" I ask Lyla
"Yeah last time I checked why?"
"Ok good."
Tara and Lyla look at me confused but as soon as the man turns around once again calling me a whore.
I push him back, knocking him into the wall.
He pushes me back.
I push him to the ground and start punching him, oops I forgot to take my rings off! I think to myself as I cut underneath his eye with one of them.
The mystery men are trying to get me off of him.
"HEY! Don't you touch her!" Tara says to them, causing them to back up.
Just then the church doors swing open and the guys come running out, Happy and Ope working together to get me off of whoever the hell this is.
I stand up, getting out of their grip.
"What the hell is going on out here?!?" Jax says.
"This dumb whore attacked me!" The man says, I scoff, this dumbass.
"Excuse me?" Opie says.
"What? I don't see why you all are defending this dumb crow eater!" The man says.
"WATCH IT!" Happy yells, getting closer to the guys, who are obviously now scared.
"She ain't no dam crow eater! She's my old lady, you Fucking dumbass!" He says.
"And my sister!" Opie says.
"And she's my daughter!" Piney says.
"Oh yeah and she's my best friend!" Jax says.
"If you so much as lay a hand on her again I swear to god I will kill you, and they won't find your body, understood?" Happy threatens him.
"Y-y-yes!" He spits out.

A/N~ little bit of a longer chapter for you guys ♥️ Thanks again for reading and all the votes!


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