First 48

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**Pic above is Harley's outfit for the funeral.**

Back to Harley's POV:

24's been 24 hours since the incident...24 hours since Tara and I were tied up...24 hours since Abel was kidnapped...24 hours since my friend was shot, and bled out in my arms...

I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't do anything. I feel useless right now. All I've done so far is sit on this couch and stare at the walls. Why did this happen? Why did he have to kill Kip?

48 hours later...I'm still numb...we haven't found Abel yet, and today is the day of Kip's wake. Sitting on the edge of the bed after getting dressed waiting to leave. When Happy gets himself and Ryker ready we drop him off at Neeta's before going to the clubhouse to meet the others before riding to the funeral home.
"Hey were about to leave." Happy says, approaching the bench that me and Tara are sitting on.
"Okay..." I reply, getting up and going to get on the back of his bike, Tara doing the same with Jax.
We all ride to the funeral home together.
"I don't know if I can do this." I say, beginning to cry as we arrive at the funeral home.
Happy walks over to me wrapping me in a hug "Yeah you can, we have to. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want you crying over him. Now straighten your face up and come on let's go inside." I just nod and listen to what he says.
Wow there's a lot of people here...A lot of people loved Kip, I can see that from the amount of people here.
One by one everyone stands in line to say their goodbyes to him.
"Give me a minute?" I say to the guys and Tara as they all are crowded around the room waiting for us to finish our goodbyes.
"Yeah of course." My brother says.
I wait before everyone leaves the room before kneeling down besides the casket.
"Thank you....This could have been me or Tara or even Abel but you weren't gonna let that happen...I appreciate you for risking your life for would have made one hell of a son I know that... I'm gonna miss you...Goodbye Kip, I love you." I say, standing up and placing my hands on the casket before joining the others in the main room of the funeral home.
"We ready?" Jax asks looking at me, I shake my head yes and follow everyone out.
Everyone is just standing outside the funeral home, talking and remembering Kip when gunshots ring out.....
"Get down." The guys hell and we all hit the ground.
We hear a thud and they throw the shooter out of the van and into the street, Hale goes to stop them but they run him over.
"NO!!" I yell out, crying a little. Me and David Hale used to be friends, I lost another friend today.
I slide down onto the ground and begin to cry.
Next thing I know is see Jax beating the hell out of the shooter.
Opie comes to sit next to me on the ground.
I turn into his arms and begin to cry as he rubs my back trying to calm me down.
"What are we gonna do Ope?!?" I ask.
"I don't know sis....I don't know..."


A/n~ Here's another chapter for you all, because I'm in a great mood. Today I did something that I haven't had the confidence to do before today. I chopped off a lot of my hair and even shaved some of the side!!! Anyways hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you all for reading.


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