JT's Manuscript

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"We're going to Belfast..." he says, which causes me to shoot up.
"I'm going." I say.
"No your not!" He says.
"I said I'm going, I'm going!" I say back trying not to get worked up.
"Don't argue with me little girl!" He responds.
"Harley....don't start this..." he says.
"I'm sorry okay....." I say, laying back down.
"It'll be okay. I just need you to stay here with little man, Tara and Lyla and the kids." He says.
"No prospect?!?" I ask, worried.
"All three of them are staying here, your dad is too it'll be okay." He responds.
"Promise me?"
"I promise." He says, kissing my forehead. I lay my head back onto his chest, starting to calm down again.
"When are y'all leaving?" I ask.
I wake up in Happy's arms, my head laying on his chest, he's still asleep. I get up to get Ryker out of the play pen, since he's already wide awake.
"Let's go wake up daddy!" I say to him, placing Ryker on the bed.
"Da-da-da" He says, crawling on the bed.
"Hey little man...hey princess.." Happy says, waking up.
"What time do you leave today?" I ask.
"Noon, what time is it?"
"Oh...it's 9:30..." I respond.
"Come here little girl." He says, seeing the worried look on my face.
I walk closer to the bed.
"Closer." He says, and I go and lay down next to him and Ryker on the bed.
"Talk to me." He says.
"I'm fine."
"Bullshit Harley what's wrong!" He says, sitting up to look at me.
"I just keep thinking that it could have been Ryker that got kidnapped...if I would have fought dad about keeping him here and took him with me he would be in Belfast with Abel at God knows where!" I say, starting to tear up.
"Hey hey calm down, everything is gonna be okay. We're gonna find Abel and we're gonna come home. It's gonna be okay." He says, kissing me.
I nod, "Yeah...I guess your right.."
"I know I am, now come here and lay down with your old man until I have to leave." He responds and I just listen to him and do it.
It's now 11:45am in Charming and the guys are in church, getting ready to leave for Belfast.
The guys come out and walk out to the lot, where they say there goodbyes before leaving for Belfast.
I'm sitting in the living room with the kids, Lyla, and dad there's a movie on the tv playing for the kids. I'm braiding Ellie's hair while she's paying attention to the tv.
Tara comes out of the back holding what looks like a book and approaching dad.
"Hey Piney?" She says.
"Yeah sweetheart?" Dad replies.
"You've been around the club for a while, I was wondering if you could help me make sense of this, I found it in one of Jax's drawers.." this catches my attention, what could it possibly be?
"Oh that...that there is JT's manuscript.." he replies.
"JT had a manuscript?" I ask from across the room, a little shocked by this.
"Oh yes he did." Dad says.
"What's it mean?" Tara asks.
"JT had a vision for this club, a vision totally opposite of what it is now." Dad replies.
"What do you mean dad?" I ask.
"JT didn't want any of this. He didn't want the club involved with the drugs or gun running, he didn't want to run the club into the ground like Clay is doing now."
"I'm so confused...." I say, shifting my focus back to braiding Ellie's hair.
"So JT, he didn't want to get involved with any of this?" Tara asks.
"That's right darlin. I wouldn't let Clay or Gemma find out you found that." Dad replies.
"Why?" Tara says.
"They wanted to keep it a secret from the club, from Jax but seeing as you found it in his stuff it's too late for that."
"I'm gonna ask Gemma about it, maybe she can shed some light on this whole thing." Tara replies.
"No! If Clay or Gemma find out that Jax or anyone else for that matter knows about JT's manuscript all hell will break loose throughout this club and I mean it! Don't say a thing to anyone about it, that goes for you too Harley and Lyla! You don't want to see what will happen if either one of them finds out about this! Now I advise you to go put that back where you found it and forget about it! Understood?" Dad tells us.
"Yeah....sure...I'll put it back..." Tara says, walking away.
Me and Lyla nod in response. What could be so bad that they don't want us to find out?

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