Bad things

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It's been a week since the guys have been in Belfast and no one has heard anything from them yet, that is until my phone rings.
It's Happy.
"Hey little girl." He says.
"Hey you, god I missed hearing your voice." I reply.
"Yeah, I know."
"So what's going on have they found Abel? When are y'all coming back?"
"Yeah...we found Abel..."
"Hap what's wrong?"
"He's with Jimmy O..."
"WHAT?" I scream, everyone's attention turning to me.
"We don't have him yet...." he tells me.
"Is he okay? Oh my god I hope he's okay!!" I say, starting to pace back in forth in the clubhouse.
"Calm down little girl! It's gonna be alright he should be fine alright? Look I gotta go, I love you."
"Yeah..okay...I love you too." And with the the phone hung up.
"What was that about darlin?" Dad asks.
"They found Abel, Jimmy O has him..." I say, still pacing.
"Thank god they found him." Lyla says.
"Yeah I'm so glad." Tara says.
"You need to calm down Harley, Abel will be fine." Dad says, walking up to me.
"Okay okay, yeah."
"Did they say when their coming back?" Tara asks.
"No hap didn't say....I hope it's soon..." I reply.
"Yeah I think we all do darlin." Dad says.

Things have been weird around here since Tara asked Piney about the manuscript JT wrote....
"Hey dad?" I say, going to the bar where my dad is playing with Ryker.
"Yeah sweetheart, what is it?" He says.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course you can."
"What's so bad about that manuscript?" I ask.
He sighs, fixing his oxygen.
"A lot of bad shit has happened in this club in past years. A lot of shit happened before You, your brother and Jackson came along. A lot of stuff that doesn't need to be brought to light." He tells me, taking a drink of his beer.
"How bad are we talking?"
"I'm not gonna say Harley, I advise you to drop it. I don't need Clay finding out that you or Tara and Lyla know about that manuscript, alright?" He says, I nod my head in response.
I don't know what the hell he's talking about, quite frankly I don't even know if I want to know what he's talking about. I hope that whatever this is gets resolved I don't wanna lose anybody else from this club to some bullshit first nine drama....
"How many of those have you had today day?" I ask Piney, taking Ryker from him.
"Not enough." He replied, I shake my head and walk off. He's been like this my whole life, always drinking.
I take Ryker into the back to lay him down for a nap in the dorm that we share. On my way back, I see Jax's door is opened, Tara is in there with the manuscript.
"Hey, What you reading?" I ask, playing dumb.
"Oh's nothing I was trying to pick up a little around this pig pen Jax calls a dorm, haha." She replies, a little nervous.
I close the door and walk over to the bed where she is,
"Tara is that JT's manuscript that you where reading?" I ask.
She looks down and nods her head yes.
"I was curious, you know you and Opie are mentioned in this?" She says, causing me to turn my head, why would JT possibly want to mention me or Ope in the manuscript?
"What do you mean?" I ask, a little confused as to why mine or my brothers name is mentioned.
"Just read this, okay?" She says, pushing the book towards me. The title reads,
The Life and Death of Sam Crow.
How the Sons of Anarchy lost their way.
By John Thomas Teller.
"I don't see my name mentioned here Tara." I say, pointing out the obvious, she gives me a look.
"It's on the next page!" She says, turning to the page that reads:
"For my children, Thomas who has already found peace. For my son Jackson and my God children, Harry and Harley, may the three of them never know this life of chaos."
What does he mean? "May we never know this life of chaos." I shouldn't be reading this, neither of us should.
"I'm gonna go, dad said we shouldn't be reading it." I tell Tara, hoping she'll come go her senses and put it back.
"Yeah well Piney says a lot of things doesn't he?" She says, I can't argue with her there he does say a lot of things but I can tell this is different.
"This is different....I don't want to find out about all of the bad things that happened before I came along, I don't wanna find out what will happen if Gemma or Clay find out that y'all are reading this, you keep on reading if you want but I'm done." I say, turning around and walking back out of the room.
What have they gotten themselves into with this.....

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