The Cabin Pt.2

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"Pop? You in there?" Opie yells through the door.
"Dad we know your in here your bikes out front!" I yell.
"That's it I'm knocking the door down!" Opie says, kicking the door down.
"Oh my god..." I hear him say.
"What, What is it? I ask.
"Harley stay out there...." he says.
"No what the hell is going on?!?" I ask pushing past him.
There on the floor next to the wall is my fathers lifeless body, shot dead in a pool of his own blood.

"DAD?!?!" I scream, tears start to fall down my face as I make my way over to my fathers lifeless body.
"Pop..." Opie says, kneeling down beside me, tears running down his face.
"What are we gonna do Opie?!?!" I ask, sobbing.
"We gotta call someone..." he says.
"WHO? Who the fuck do we call Opie? The cops?" I scream at him.
Just then the door opens up behind us, causing us both to turn around.
It's Wayne.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Opie asks him.
"I followed you up here..." he says.
"So you were the one following us......" I say, he nods.
"You knew didn't you?" Opie asks Unser.
He gets no response from Wayne.
"YOU KNEW DIDN'T YOU?!?!" His yelling frightens me and I jump. Wayne nods his head, confirming that he knew my dad was up here murdered.
"Who did this...." I mumble out, barely loud enough to hear.
"Look I don't think it's best that I tell you that....." Wayne says.
"Tell us who shot him...we know you who the hell did this!" Opie says.
After a few seconds of silence Unser finally speaks up.
"...It was Clay, he killed your old man. Had something to do with club secrets getting out, Clay wanted to protect the Club..." 
"JT's Manuscript........oh my god...." I say under my breath.
"What?" Unser asks.
"Get out..." Opie tells him.
"Look I can call someone" Unser says.
"GET OUT NOW!!!" I reply, at this point I'm fuming. Unser leaves, leaving me and my big brother sitting on the floor in a pool of or fathers blood.
After about five minutes of silence and crying I speak up.
"We have to do something about this Ope..." I say.
"Yeah...I know." He replies.
"Let's go back to the clubhouse...."
"Clay will probably be there..." he replies

We get back in the truck and drive back to the clubhouse in our blood stained clothes.
It looks like their having a party, huh Clay throwing a celebration now that his secrets can't get out?
"Opie I want you to know that whatever I do don't stop me...." I say.
"Of course not...I want you to do the same....let's go." He says, and with that we get out of the truck and walk into the clubhouse, tears staining both of our cheeks and are clothes covered in blood it looks like we've been in a horror movie, that's what it feels like....
We both push the doors to the clubhouse open and I immediately spot Clay.
Of course us both being covered in blood we're bombarded with questions from everyone.
"What happened?"
"Oh my god are you okay?"
"Is that your blood?"
I ignore every single one of them and follow my brother up to Clay.
"Well it looks like you two just came back from a massacre!" He says, laughing and standing up from the bar stool he's on, trying to give us a hug. We immediately push him away, Opie knocking him to the ground.
"The hell is the problem with you two? You nuts?" He says, causing me to get even more pissed off.
He stands back up and I get right back into his face, screaming on the verge of tears.
"YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH US YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH!" I scream out, slapping him in the face by now everyone is gathered around us.
"What the hell is going on?" Jax asks, I just shoot him a glare.
"You should know, your Clay's boy!" Opie says.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jax asks.
"Little girl what the fuck is going on?" Happy asks.
"Aye lass what's wrong with ye two?" Chibs says.
"HE KILLED OUR FATHER!" Opie says, punching a wall. Everyone then takes a step back, mouths dropped wide open.
I'm seeing red right now.
"YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH! WHY?!?! OVER A FUCKING MANUSCRIPT?!? YOU KILLED MY DAD!!!! H-H-HE WAS SUPPOSED TO GIVE ME AWAY AND BE THERE FOR MINE AND OPIE'S KIDS BUT YOU TOOK THAT AWAY!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!" I say punching clay multiple times in the chest and face and then sliding down the wall sobbing."
"Happy you need to get your old lady, I don't know what the fuck has gotten into her!" Clay says. Happy comes over to me and sits next to me on the wall, holding me and trying to calm me down.
"Is this true?" Jax asks Clay.
"Why the hell would I do that?" Clay responds.
"To protect your stupid fucking club secrets....." I say under my breath, Clay hears me.
"And what secret would that be, Princess?" He responds.
"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME PRINCESS AGAIN.... You know just what I'm talking about Clay, you know JT didn't want the club involved in any of the drug or gun running, you wanted to hide that from the club, from Jackson. I wish JT was still alive today to see how much this club has gone downhill because of you..."
"You two are so full of it..." Clay says, snickering.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Opie says.
Opie cocks his pistol and points it at Clay's chest.
"OPIE PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Jax yells, Opie then points the gun over to Jax.
"I'll take care of him, okay? Just put the dam gun down!" Jax says and Opie puts the gun down.
"I'm going to sleep...." I tell Happy, getting up to go to our dorm. Hoping that I'll wake up and this will all just be a bad dream...

A/N-I hope you guys are still enjoying this! Not gonna lie I kinda teared up a little writing that's chapter lol.

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