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A couple of hours have gone by since the guys left for their run. We've don't nothing except talk and watch the kids play. I'm starting to feel like I'm in prison all over again, so ready for this lockdown to be over.
I look at my watch and I see it's noon, so I get up and decide to make the kids lunch.
"Where you going?" Tara asks.
"Well i figured I could get up and make the kids lunch, it is noon after all."
"You need any help?" Lyla asks.
"No, I think I can make a few sandwiches." I reply.
I make three different sandwiches for the kids because I know they all like different things. For Kenny, just ham and cheese. Ellie likes turkey, and Ry loves Pb&J.
"Hey Kids you hungry?" I yell and they all come out of the room and into the kitchen to grab their plates and go to the table.
I go back to the living room where Tara and Lyla are to relax.
I hear a voice behind me, the prospect Phil.
"Can I have a sandwich?"
I look at him for a minute like is he Foreal right now?
"Your a grown ass man you can make it yourself." I say before turning back around, leaving him with his mouth dropped open.
"You heard her." Lyla says, and he walks to the kitchen.
"These prospects are killing me!" I say jokingly, getting a laugh out of the girls.
It's around 7pm when the guys get back.
"Hey baby!" I say to Hap, glad to see him.
"Told you everything would be okay." He says, kissing me.
"Yeah you did....anything on Abel?" I ask.
He's silent for a minute....
"Hap? What's wrong?"
"Abel's in Belfast...." I stare at him in disbelief.
"What? How? Is he okay?" Well there goes the mama bear in me kicking in....
"Yeah...Cameron took him to Belfast we don't know where he is...don't know if he's okay." He responds.
"Oh my god...." is all I manage to spit out.
"Where's little man?" He asks me.
"He's asleep....Prospect is watching him.." I respond, staring at the ground in disbelief.
"Come on lets go to the dorm."
"I'm tired.." I say
"Then let's sleep." He responds and I listen, following him back into the dorm. I change my clothes and get into the bed, Happy climbing in behind me. I turn over so I can lay my head on his chest.
"So how are y'all gonna get Abel back?" I ask.
"We're going to Belfast..." he says, which causes me to shoot up.
"I'm going." I say.
"No your not!" He says.
"I said I'm going, I'm going!" I say back trying not to get worked up.
"Don't argue with me little girl!" He responds.
"Harley....don't start this..." he says.
"I'm sorry okay....." I say, laying back down.
"It'll be okay. I just need you to stay here with little man, Tara and Lyla and the kids." He says.
"No prospect?!?" I ask, worried.
"All three of them are staying here, your dad is too it'll be okay." He responds.
"Promise me?"
"I promise." He says, kissing my forehead. I lay my head back onto his chest, starting to calm down again.
"When are y'all leaving?" I ask.
A/N~ thank you all for reading!

Much love,
Kaeli ♥️

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