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Ten the fuck could I be ten weeks pregnant?!?
Did I even fuck ten weeks ago? Wait a minute......
"This happened when you got back from Belfast....." I say to Happy, breaking the silence.
"Shit.... your right...." he responds.
"I know I'm right...wouldn't have said it if I wasn't."
"What's with the attitude?!" He asks me, I guess I've pissed him off a little...oops...
"I don't know okay? Maybe it's the fact that I'm in the dam hospital or the fact that I just found out that I'm fucking ten weeks pregnant Happy! You tell me what the attitude is about." I cross my arms over my chest.
"Little girl you need to calm down! Ain't nobody got time for your dam attitude." He responds to me, moving away from me.
"I'm sorry okay.....just come back here....please....." I realized I probably shouldn't have yelled at him.....
He moves next to me again.
I scoot over, telling him I want him on the bed with me.
He joins me on the bed.
I place my hand on my stomach,
"Hap what are we gonna do?"
"What you mean what are we gonna do? We're gonna raise this dam baby just like we are Ryker."
"No I's just so soon we didn't even have anything planned out we don't have a nursery ready or anything Hap!"  I'm starting to stress myself out again.
"Calm down....we got time love your only ten weeks, it'll be okay, alright?"
"I love you little girl."
"I love you too."

I'm getting out of the hospital today, and I couldn't be happier. I HATE hospitals with a passion. I'm ready to see my son and my brother and the rest of the club, hell I'm even ready to see Mary.
I'm getting dressed after my shower, Dr Harris comes in the room.
"Looks like your eager to get out of here!" He says.
" offense doc but I hate it here...when can I leave?"
He chuckles.
"Give me a few minutes to write up your discharge papers and you'll be good to go."
"Alright thanks doc!" With that he walks out of the room and Happy comes back in.
"Let's go see Lowen after we get out of here." He tells me, I'm a little puzzled.
"For what?" I ask.
"This." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a beautiful ring.
"" I put my hands over my mouth to prevent screaming.
"Are you serious?!?" I ask, tears of joy filling my eyes.
"I'm so serious Harley, I wanna marry you, today."
I'm speechless...
"Is that a yes?" He asks me.
"It's a hell yes!" I respond, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.
"I'll go call Lowen." He says, walking out of the room. Dr Harris walks back in a few minutes later, seeing my excitement.
"I didn't think you'd be crying tears of joy to get out of this place!" He says.
"Oh me I'm glad to get out of here but I'm not crying because of that!" I respond.
"Then what is it, if I may ask?"
" I'm getting married today, we're gonna go to the courthouse!" I say, excitement filling my voice.
"Well congratulations to you two on the marriage and the new baby. Now if you can just sign your name right here on this line your free to go!" He says smiling at me. I grab the pen from him and quickly sign my name on the line.
"Have a wonderful life Miss Harley!" He says to me as I'm about to exit the room.
"Thanks doc!" I reply, walking out of the room to find Happy.

We just left the's official I'm not Harley Lowman. Dam it feels good saying that!
"Hey can we go back to the clubhouse now, I wanna see everybody." I ask Hap from the passenger side.
"Sure if you want to."
"I do!"
We pull up in front of the clubhouse, not too many people here just the usual.
"Aye there she is!" I hear my favorite Scottish accent say,I look up to see Chibs playing with Ryker, Kenny and Ellie.
"You look like a grandpa over there with all the kids!" I Joke, he shoots me a glare.
"I Joke I Joke!" I say.
"Mama!" Ryker says, running over to me.
"Hey baby did you miss me?" I ask him, he nods in response.
"I go play." He mumbles out, so I set him on the ground.
The door opens and In comes my brother and Jax, accompanied by Lyla and Tara.
"Harley!" Lyla says, running up to me.
"Well hello to you too!" I say, returning her hug.
"We missed you around here." Tara says.
"You guys I was only gone two days!" I say, giggling.
"What's that?!?!" My brother asks, pointing at the ring on my hand...
"Oh...we uh....we got married, after I was released from the hospital..." I watch as my brothers eyes widen.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He says.
"Well Ope I'm telling you now!" I respond.
I look over to Tara who is giving me a "Are you what I think you are?" Look.
"What?" She motions her eyes down to my stomach then back up to my eyes. I look down and quickly realized that I have a hand on my stomach....oops....
"Harley....." She says.
I think everyone has noticed by now....
"Anything else you wanna tell us?!?" Tara asks.
I sigh, knowing that I might as well tell them and get it over much for waiting until the second trimester to let everyone know....
"Your glowing!" Lyla says.
"Well I guess it must be because I'm so glad that I'm out of the hospital!!" I say, trying to hold off on telling them.
"Is there a reason you keep holding your abdomen?" Jax asks. I didn't notice that I was doing it again!
I let out another sigh....
"Okay so there is something else....I wanted to wait to tell you all but since I'm pretty sure Tara has already figured it out. I'm pregnant!" I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.
"That's great!" Lyla says.
"Your just full of surprises today aren't you sis?" Opie says.
"Ope I was going to wait until my second trimester to tell anyone, including you!"
"Calm down, I'm not mad. I'm happy for you sis. Dad would be proud of you."

A/N~ Another Winston-Lowman baby is on the way, yay!
Thank you all for reading and voting! I enjoy writing this for you all.


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