Baby Fever

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Today is Ryker's first birthday. We're gonna have a small party at our place, only a few people from the club invited no crow eaters or hang arounds, only family.
I'm in the kitchen feeding Ry breakfast, Happy is in the back working on something on his bike. I finish feeding Ryker and I open the back door.
"Hey babe I'm gonna go to the store to get a few things you need anything?"
"No but be careful, alright?" He says.
I step out the door and to where he is.
"I will, Okay? I love you." I say kissing his lips.
"Love you too."
I walk back into the house and grab my purse and keys before walking out the front door, locking it behind me.
Ryker is walking beside me holding my hand.
"Happy birthday baby boy!" I say to my smiling son as I strap him in his car seat.
He smiles and giggles.
"Alright lets go!" I say, finishing strapping him in and going to get in the drivers seat.
We arrive at the store and I get Ry out of his seat, strapping him in to one of the shopping carts.
I go to the bakery section to get a cake, and next to the isle of the ice cream. After getting the cake and ice cream I go to the remaining isles to get what else I need. Chips, sodas, juice, party decorations and of course alcohol for the guys. I then head to the cash register.
"Aww he is so cute! Look at that cute smile!" The cashier says, making me smile.
"Thank you, that's sweet of you!" I say, playing with Ryker's hands.
He's cooing right along.
I get the groceries and load them into my car before heading back to the house.
I carry all the groceries inside and see Happy sitting on the couch watching Tv.
"Wanna help me put this stuff up?" I ask.
"I don't really wanna do it but I will." He responds.
"I'm gonna need you to hang these banners for me, I can't reach." I'm 5'2.
"Yeah I got it." He says.
"Your the best!"
"Far from it."
A few hours pass before everyone starts to show up.
Everyone is enjoying themselves the kids are playing and the adults are talking, it's a great night. The party goes on for a little bit before everyone leaves for the night. I take Ryker inside and give him his bath before taking him to bed, he falls asleep the minute his head hits the pillow.
I clean up the house a little, before Happy tells me we're going to bed.
We both strip down and get in bed, me laying my head on his chest. It's silent for a little bit before he speaks up.
"I want another kid....." he says, causing me to look up at him.
"What?!?" I say, honestly shocked.
"I'm serious Har, I want another kid of our own. I like our family I wanna add to it." He says, propping himself up.
"Hap....I don't know...."
"Don't give me that Harley I know you want another one too, your not so secretive when it comes to this stuff.
"Okay okay I want another baby......." I say. What he says next completely takes me by shock...
"Let's get married."  He says.
"Are you serious?!?" I ask.
" don't want to." He replies.
"NO! Hap of course I want to! That's what I've been thinking about I just didn't know if you'd wanna marry me...." I say.
"Why wouldn't I wanna marry you? I Fucking love you little girl since the first moment I've seen you! I wanna marry you and I wanna have more kids, I wanna spend my life with you!" He tells me.
That makes me smile.
"Aw how cute my man has baby fever!" I say teasing him.
"Shut up." He says, I lay back on his chest and after a few minutes I'm asleep, dreaming of my life with Happy.

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