My girl

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After our aggressive sex session I walked from happy's dorm back into the main room of the clubhouse with a smile on my face.
"What was that?" Jax asked.
"You going into The Killa's room." Clay said.
"He just wanted to show me some things, nothing much." I reply.
"Showing you things that make you go OHHH MY GOOOD YES YES!?" Tig says and I feel the blush creep onto my face. I look up to see my brother shaking his head, just then happy walks back in.
"Come on man she's my sister!" Opie says
"Yeah and she's my girl!" Happy exclaimed.
I stood their with a look of shock and surprise on my face trying to process this...did he just say my girl? I think to myself.
"Your girl huh?" I say to happy as I sit on the arm of the chair he's at.
"Yeah my girl" he pulls me down into his lap and I curl up, putting my face in his neck.
"You better treat her right or so help me" I hear my brother say to happy.
"Shut up Opie" I say with a smile.
He looks at me with a glare and my dad speaks up,
"He just wants what's best for you darling we all do."
"Yeah I know" I say.

Happy POV:

She's my girl now. I've officially made my claim, man there's something about this girl that drives me while I don't know what it is but I can't get her off of my mind. Maybe it's the way she handles her own or her dark personality...or the fact that she's extremely good in bed...Fuck I think I've found my old lady.
Harley POV:
I must have fallen asleep on Happy's lap because I woke up to him shaking me awake.
"What? What's going on?" I asked
"We gotta go on a run, shouldn't be to long I should be back in a few hours." He replied. He must have seen the look of worry on my face because he said
"Hey listen to me little girl it's all gonna be alright I'll be back tonight." With that I gave him a nod, he kissed my forehead and the guys were off to there run. So here I am sitting at the bar by myself, just me and the prospects left alone in the clubhouse.. I let out a sigh as I think to myself "this is gonna be a long night."
I decided I'd go to Happy's dorm and wait for him to come back, I quickly stripped off my clothes and put on one of his SAMCRO T-shirt's, which are entirely to big for me. I got in the bed deciding to watch a movie on Netflix, I quickly started to doze off.

Happy POV:
We got back to the clubhouse at about midnight I came back covered in blood just wanting to take a shower. I got out of the shower and moved into the room, quickly seeing that Harley is asleep on the bed...she looks so dam cute...I get on the bed, trying to be as careful as I can not to wake up sleeping beauty. I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her, just holding her all night. This just feels right.
A/N: Thanks for reading please don't forget to comment and vote.


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