Lockdown Pt 2

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All the guys go back inside, me not wanting to be alone follows right behind.
"I'm gonna go check on the kids." I tell Happy getting up from his lap and walking into the back room where the kids were sleeping last time I checked.
I crack open the door and the kids are still napping, I go over to kiss my son on the forehead but of course that wakes him up....good job Harley....
He starts crying so I pick him up, trying to calm him down before he wakes up Kenny and Ellie, which didn't work nice....
"Ma-ma-ma" Ryker babbles out, playing with his hands.
"I'm right here baby." I say kissing his forehead and bouncing him on my hip.
"Auntie I'm hungry." Kenny says approaching me.
"Me too!" Ellie says, standing up.
"Baby boy you hungry?" I ask Ryker, he nods.
"Alright lets see what we can do." I tell the kids as I walk out the play room, bouncing Ry on my hip with Kenny and Ellie following behind me.
"Hey why don't you guys go tell pop pop your hungry?" They both nod and run off to my dad.
"Everything ok?" Happy asks as I go over to him again.
"Yeah, Ry woke the kids up. Their all hungry, told them to go tell my dad." I say, resting my head on his chest while he takes Ryker from me.
"You alright?" He asks me.
"I'm good, just tired." I say looking up.
"Why don't you get some sleep?"
"I'm probably gonna get up and make something, the kids are hungry which probably means the guys are too." I say.
"Ask Tara and Lyla to help you." He responds.
"I was going to."
"I love you Harley." He says looking down at me.
I sit up and say, "I love you too." Before getting up and going to the kitchen with Tara and Lyla to figure out something to make.
We decide on something easy, meatloaf and mashed potatoes and corn. The food is ready and we all sit down to eat. Me and the ladies get the kitchen cleaned up afterwards and go back to join our old men and kids in the main room. After about an hour of sitting on the couch with my old man with our son in my lap, who is now dozing off to sleep I say, "it's getting pretty late, I'm gonna take him to your dorm put him in the crib."
"I'll come with you." Happy says.
"No you can stay here with the guys, I know you probably want to."
"Nah I wanna go be with my lady and my son, problem?" He responds.
I look up at him with a smile on my face before leaning up to kiss him.
"No problem at all." I say, and he takes Ryker from me and we all head back to the dorm.

A/N~ I just wanna thank y'all for reading, I appreciate it! Also sorry this chapter is a little shorter just been super busy working all week!

Kaeli ♥️

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