The Unknown Akatsuki

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It was another day in my life. Like any other day and I was getting ready for school. However, the school I was going to wasn't just any school. It was a school for the rich and I got in through a scholar ship thanks to my childhood friends telling me about it. I woke up getting changed into the college uniform... yes even in college this school was making their students wear uniforms. I made myself breakfast and started eating. I then paused when there was a knock at my door. I got up and answered it seeing Itachi Uchiha. Itachi is actually the childhood friend who told me about the scholar ship and to apply for it. We have been best friends along with Shisui for a long time. Shisui... well he said he would have an excuse to cut class if I didn't apply for the same school. "Glad to see your up" said Itachi, as I smirked and walked over to the dining room table continuing to eat my breakfast. "Chie your going to be late for class" he said, as I shrugged and he sighed. "You didn't even make lunch for yourself did you?"asked Itachi, as I sighed. "Get off my back Uchiha, I had a five hundred page essay due today and I've been busy" I said, as he narrowed his eyes. "You mean the essay that we had four months to finish" he said, as I growled turning my head away. "Come on, let's get going" said Shisui popping into my apartment. Itachi narrowed his eyes at Shisui who smiled nervously. I got up, got my bag, walked out of my apartment, and locked the door behind me. "So we going to eat sushi after school?" I asked "eh sorry got a hot date" said Shisui "Again? How many is that twenty-six?" I asked "Twenty-seven... forgot about the one that lasted five minutes" he said, as I giggled. "Must we talk about your failed intimacies?"asked Itachi, as Shisui smirked. "Your just mad because every girl you asked out has denied you"said Shisui, as Itachi narrowed his eyes at Shisui. "Eh? Seriously?" I questioned looking at Itachi. He growled and closed his eyes. "I would totally think you'd be at least a popular guy at school Itachi" I said, as Shisui paused and narrowed his eyes at Itachi. Itachi closed his eyes and we made our way to school. The three of us went our separate ways once inside the school. Once in my classroom I sat in an empty row and looked at the white board. I then paused seeing the teacher with a new girl beside him. "Class this is Ayame Natsuda" he said, as she bowed her head. "Nice to meet you" she said, as the teacher smiled. "Please have a seat" he said, as she started walking up the rows and paused looking at me. "Can I sit here?" she asked, as I smiled. "Of course" I said, as she smiled and sat next to me. Class started and I started writing notes. Once lunch came I stretched my arms and closed my eyes. "So what's your name?" she asked, as I looked at her. "Chie Ringaku" I said, as she smiled. "Could you maybe show me around? If it's not too much trouble" she asked, as I smiled. "Sure" I said, as I showed her each floor and while doing so we stopped at one door. "The Akatsuki?" she said reading the name on the door. "The student council... they're awesome. Sadly no one knows what they look like or even who they are" I said, as she paused. "Wow mysterious" she said, as I nodded. "Yup" I said "Lunch?" asked Ayame, as I smiled and nodded.

We were eating in the cafeteria and I smiled seeing Shisui walking towards us. "Hey" he said sitting next to me. "Hey where's Uchiha?" I asked, as he paused. "Who knows, he said something about studying and not to bother him" said Shisui, as I sighed. "Gezz, he's doing this more frequently" I said, as Shisui smirked and tilted my chin. "You know we could always have fun on our own" he said, as I growled. "Not without Itachi" I said, as he sighed and paused noticing Ayame smiling nervously. "Whose she?" he asked. "Oh, I'm sorry Ayame, this is Shisui one of my childhood friends" I said, as she smiled. "Nice to meet you" she said, as he smirked and I growled punching his head. "Knock it off Shisui you know the rules no hitting on my friends that are girls" I said, as he sighed putting his hands to the back of his neck. "Oh by the way sushi is back on, the girl I was going out with I had to cancel on her" he said, as I sighed. "Again?" I said, as he smirked. "What can I say? I'm a woman's man" he said, as I rolled my eyes. "Well at least the three of us can hang out" I said, as Ayame lowered her head. "Oh, did you want to come Ayame?" I asked, as she paused and looked at me shocked. "Uh, it's okay" she said, as I smiled. "Come on my treat" I said, as she smiled and nodded happily. "Oi Chie" said a voice, as I looked seeing Kisame, one of Itachi's so called friends. I don't know why he likes hanging out with the shark head, but he does. "What?" I asked "Uchiha said he can't make it to your event today" he said "EHH, why not?" I asked, as he chuckled. "Said something about studying" he said, as I growled and rested my cheek on my hand. "He's such an idiot" I whispered, as Shisui smirked closing his eyes. "I keep telling you to go out with me" he said, as I glared at him. "What? So I can be your twenty-eight... forget it" I said, as he smirked. "Is he your boyfriend?" asked Ayame, as Shisui spat out some water that he was drinking and started laughing. "Itachi with Chie... that's rich" he said slamming his hand on the table. I growled and closed his eyes. "No, he's another one of my childhood friends that's less annoying" I said, as Shisui snickered covering his mouth. "Come on Ayame, let's get to class" I said, as she nodded.

After school Ayame and I were giggling and laughing. "So we going for sushi?" she asked, as I smirked. "You think about food a lot don't you?" I asked, as she puffed her cheeks. I paused and laughed. "Alright, I won't say another word" I said, as she smiled. We walked out to the front and saw Shisui waiting. "About time" he said, as I shrugged. He sighed and we walked to a sushi restaurant. After eating I paused looking at my cell phone. "He's not going to text you" said Shisui, as I growled and looked at him. "Shut up Shisui" I said, as he pulled down his left eyelid and stuck out his tongue. I growled and punched his head. Ayame then giggled. "I better go I have homework to do" I said, as I waved good-bye to Ayame and she waved back. I made my way to my apartment and sighed sitting on the couch. I started searching through channels and looked at the time reading eleven p.m. I tisked my head and started doing my homework. Once finished I looked at the clock again reading twelve fifteen a.m. "Guess your not coming again" I said walking to the fridge and started making my lunch. I looked at the clock one more time reading twelve thirty. I got ready for bed and eventually fell asleep on my bed. The next morning I growled as my alarm clock started buzzing. I smashed it on the ground and slowly got up. I got changed and walked out of my room. I slowly put on my shoes and grabbed my bag and my lunch. I locked the door behind me and waited five minutes. "Where are you?" I questioned looking at my watch. "Hey" said Shisui, as I tilted my head to the side. "Where?" I was about to say, as Shisui shrugged. I sighed and closed my eyes. We started walking and I lowered my head. "Hey Shi?" I questioned, as he stopped looking at me shocked. You see Shi is a nickname I called Shisui when I was little. I rarely say it only when I'm depressed about something. I usually called Itachi, Chi-Chi, when I'm upset about something and when I was little as well. "Yeah?" he finally said "Am I too dependent on Chi-Chi?" I asked, as he looked ahead of himself. "Honestly? Yes... you expect him to be there for you twenty-four seven as if he was your husband" said Shisui, as I stopped and looked at Shisui walking ahead of me. "Is that bad?" I asked, as Shisui sighed and looked back at me. "Chie, you have to let Itachi go, he's not going to be there for you forever you know" he said walking away. I just stood there. Shisui was right, for once.

To Be Continued...

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