Guardian's Dilemma

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Saint and Widow had just returned back from Lalovaea after visiting their other eight babies. Toa was the only child they took back home with them because he was born in the mortal realm and was able to control his powers without blowing up a whole city block like their other children.

"Ugh. Does this kid have IBS or something?" muttered Widow.

Toa had a large mess of steaming evidence from his earlier lunch now that he was finally eating adult solid food. It was no surprise that Saint started their son off with Samoan food.

Saint came up from behind to wrap his arms around Widow's waist but quickly reconsidered when he smelled what Toa just did. He ended up quietly backing away out of the room before a very frustrated Widow noticed.

He then decided to hit the gym instead.

After they got back from the rituals, Saint received word from Ryder that Cheyenne Realm wanted to organize talks with the Rulers of the newly formed Masina Bloodline to discuss their requests before jumping on board.

Saint had to wince slightly when Guardian advised what was required in order to bond with Prophet. And that he hadn't informed her about it quite yet. Guardian needed advice on where to run should she decide to whisk him to the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

"So..." inquired a visibly nervous Guardian.

"...Couldn't you just shank her?" muttered Saint. "Fucking ridiculous. That shit is a fucking no-no in my Realm. But I guess we gotta do what we gotta do to strengthen Kanaloa's Defensive strategies," muttered Saint.

Guardian then looked over to Saint working out furiously.

"Dude. You're gonna go into cardiac arrest pretty soon," joked Guardian.

"I should be so lucky," grumbled Saint as he pushed himself even further than he ever did on the incline bench press.

He had electrical nodes taped onto his pecs and biceps and they were spasming his muscles quite powerfully.

But right now, Saint didn't mind the pain at all because at least it kept his body preoccupied while he surmised how he and Guardian were going to approach Prophet.

"At least the peyote we have to smoke is gonna dull the shock to her system," assured Guardian although he didn't believe it at the moment.

"She has a very high tolerance for anything stimulating. But just in case, you might wanna fucking double up on her sticky dojah pipe, uce," advised a clearly winded Saint.

"Huh. Haven't heard that drug reference in a while, dude," grinned Guardian. His quads were aching tremendously but kept pushing himself further at the squat station.

"What I don't get is why they have to involve Ta'i. That's the topic for the day, Guardian. Because that shit goes against everything where I'm from. We're supposed to take care of our own, not feed them to some fucking ghostie coyotes. She's so gonna divorce your ass," grumbled Saint.

BOOK TWO Gods Of Desterrados: Prophecy of Polynesian Realm IWhere stories live. Discover now