After Effect

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When they finally awoke, Franco noticed Eileen shivering. 

He protectively pulled her up, but to his horror, her abdomen was slightly distended as if she were beginning to show the evidence of pregnancy.

She was unable to stand, so Franco carried her effortlessly onto the bed.

Eileen remained fast asleep as he covered her with blankets.

Franco was going to disappear back to the Nether to further contemplate how he was going to tell Carlos, but to his horror, he was unable to leave or immaterialize his solid form.

In fact, to his utter shock, he could feel his heart beating.

I'm alive!

His excitement with this revelation was suddenly eclipsed by a feeling of dread. How was he going to explain Eileen's state?

Dammit, Carlos is going to slit my throat all over again. Game over, Franco.

He looked towards the bed and noticed Eileen finally stir.

Franco sat next to her as she opened her eyes. 

Suddenly, her eyes widened in severe pain and grabbed her abdomen.

"Eileen!" he cried out.

To their horror, and in only a matter of minutes, her abdomen began to inflate under the covers.

She screamed out in agony as Franco tried to calm her, holding her hand.

He didn't know what to do at the moment, but knew he couldn't leave her in that state.

Sweat began to immediately bead on her forehead.

When he pulled the covers off of Eileen, she frighteningly appeared to be in her final trimester of pregnancy and began to push instinctively.


Knowing nothing else but to obey her, Franco lifted her legs up and placed her feet over his shoulders.

Blood was dripping from between her legs and he panicked.

Franco tried to assist her by opening her thighs wider while her legs pushed up against his chest.

Her screams were getting louder and Franco leaned forward, as he attempted to distract her from the pain by pinching both of her hands between the thumbs and forefingers painfully.

Her sobs were now evident, but the screaming subsided as she invited the pain generating from her wrists to her forearms.

It was then, he noticed the baby was crowning and pulled the little body out of Eileen.

It was a girl.

Franco's heart skipped a beat, but Eileen began to scream again.

She was still pushing and Franco was suddenly overwhelmed with fear.

She was crowning again, but what was protruding out of her was a milky white sac instead of an infant.


For a split second, Franco almost cracked a humorous smile, but her screaming quickly erased that thought.

Before he even had a chance though, she made one last shriek as the sac slid out of her.

It resembled a baby in a water balloon alarmingly.

Instinct took over as he handed the infant girl to an exhausted Eileen and quickly picked up a shard of glass.

He carefully cut into the sac and a strange yellowish fluid poured out of it.

He began to peel off the membrane over the infant's head and pulled the child out of the sac.

It made a sickening wet suctioning-like sound.

Then simultaneously, both infants began to cry loudly.

It was a boy.

"Oh my God."

Franco grabbed his son and sat next to her in utter disbelief.

Looking over to Eileen, she had the same exact expression on her face.

They looked down at the children who resembled the both of them.

The boy opened his gray blue eyes.

And Franco looked over silently to the little girl he was holding.

Her eyes opened and they were the familiar fiery amber eyes he and Carlos possessed.

They sat silently and couldn't comprehend what just happened.

As Franco wrapped the blankets around both their children, Eileen broke the silence.

"I guess hiding our little deed is out of the question now."

"At least we don't have to come up with any baby names."

"Apollo and Diana. I heard it loud and clear...What the fuck just happened Franco."

He just shook his head and shrugged, transfixed by the little bodies they instantly created.

Suddenly all the blood drained from Eileen's face and she started to convulse.

She was bleeding out.

Franco quickly placed his son onto the bed next to Eileen and he grabbed towels to place against the source of the bleeding.

But as he did, both babies began to glow into a brilliantly blue hue.

Place Apollo on top of his mother. Now!

Before Franco could even question the voice, he placed Apollo on Eileen's chest.

Immediately, Eileen's breathing slowed down and she stopped seizing.

Also all the color came back to her face.

She suddenly sat straight up with their son in her arms with a surge of strength.

Franco grabbed his daughter Diana and cradled her in his arms.

The voice returned and commanded one more act. And it was shocking.

Tear the caul in two. Devour it, and claim both your places of power for your children's future to secure the prophecy.

Franco cringed and Eileen almost gagged from the thought of what was being requested of them.

But without challenge, they obeyed and pulled apart the sac that originally housed Apollo and stuffed it into their mouths.

The saltiness and the slimy consistency of the caul was nauseating but they were unable to resist.

Tears streamed from both their faces knowing that they were unquestionably paired and bonded.

They had served their purpose in a matter of hours.

The prophecy was now fulfilled.

A few hours later after both infants were fed, Franco pulled up two bassinets from the basement and placed both new additions to their instant family into the nursery with a sleeping Dahlia.

A deep calm entered the destroyed room and Franco sat beside a devastated Eileen. It was admittedly a profound experience, but the fact still remained.

Carlos was going to lose his shit.

BOOK TWO Gods Of Desterrados: Prophecy of Polynesian Realm IWhere stories live. Discover now