The Visitation of Loto

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Florida soon went back to sleep, yet again. She just couldn't keep her eyes open since Papaki entered her womb.

When Dice breathed life into her, she thought the neverending need for slumber would soon pass.

But it didn't.

Papaki missed her mother and the only way she could feel close to her, was to strike Florida with the same ailment her first mother, Po'okela was afflicted with.

But thankfully, Florida was of the Desterrados Bloodline and their great powers of resurrection were keeping Florida from drifting off into the curse of endless sleep.

Priest was on his way to heal her and then they would have to move on to the next matter. 

It was what to do with the Sceptre.

"LOTO...'AE KAE! Aisea e le mafai ai ona e faʻaaoga le faitotoa?! You asshole! You scared the shit outta me," snapped Dice.

  -Why couldn't you have just used the fucking door?-

Loto was too busy snickering to even care what Dice was saying.

He had popped in unannounced and abruptly while Dice was sleeping in a corner chair in Florida's room.

It was a dick move Loto always liked to pull on Dice ever since they were fledgling gods.

"Aww...I'm touched, cousin...You don't have to worry about me, I'm doing just fine myself thanks for asking," laughed Loto.

He shockingly had a lit cigarette in his mouth. But noticed the incredulous stares from Florida and Dice.

"Don't trip...they're just Sherm sticks...What? At least ya'll ain't gonna be feeling any pain soon after I gas chamber this room," grinned Loto quite mischievously.

Dice quickly lifted his finger angrily towards the cigarette and it crushed telepathically.

Loto's face dropped as he watched the Sherm stick disintegrate to dust as well.

Apparently, Florida was on the same page because she simultaneously burned the Sherm stick to nothing.

" you know how much a Thai stick costs nowadays?... I swear ya'll need some good-good to lighten the fuck up...But if you insist, I can just materialize some weak ass Mexican Red if ya'll are lightweights," muttered Loto.

Loto soon forgot about it and pulled another one out of his pocket, putting it against his lips, but thankfully didn't light it this time.

"So, uce...I heard Lesa is gonna be all gung-ho and crap so soon after popping out the rugrat. Sheesh, she should've been a dude," replied Loto.

He materialized a slice of pizza into his hand because he suddenly developed the case of the munchies.

"Yeah, and it's obvious what gender you were supposed to be," joked Dice.

"Ooh, low blow cuzz. Well...maybe it might not be a bad thing. Always wanted instant vagina!"

Loto's red eyes flashed with humor. 

Florida cringed slightly but ended up laughing against her wishes.

For some odd reason, Loto was making it easier for her to stay up.

Reading her mind, Loto advised why he was there. It was because of what he could do.

Since Loto was the god of Leisure and Travel, he was able to transfer feelings of euphoria and happiness. It was the rush of oxytocin and dopamine that was now flooding Florida's brain that was giving her the ability to stay up and most importantly feel extremely intoxicated to her delight.

Unfortunately, Loto also came with a shitload of illegal narcotics at his disposal as well. 

Dice was once stopped and almost arrested for possession of a controlled substance until Loto hooked up the cop with a pound of Northern Lights weed straight from Humboldt County.

Florida's eyesight soon became blurry and caught herself squinting one eye to maintain her focus.

"Awww shit dawg...we got ourselves a motherfucking lightweight over here! This is gonna be fun as fuck to witness!" laughed Loto as he jumped onto Florida's bed to witness her soon to be ridiculous behavior.

"Fuck! Get the hell off of my wife's bed dickhead! Koekiki pou lou fela, ua iloa?" snapped Dice.

-Pretty soon I'mma bitch slap your ugly ass face, you heard me?-

"Ease up, cousin your panties showing..." 

Loto soon jumped onto the other empty bed and immediately Florida's eyes widened because she wasn't sure if she was just really high.

Because a piano started to sound off in the room while Loto started to sing the vulgarly hilarious song from Eazy-E's Automobile.

Florida started to break out into uncontrollable laughter and soon was unable to stop much to Dice's growing irritation.

"Flo...Flo...FLORIDA! Stop encouraging his ass!" snapped Dice as he rolled his eyes and shook his head irritatingly.

But a grin began to spread upon his lips.

Oh, what the fuck, at least my wife is up and happy for now...

BOOK TWO Gods Of Desterrados: Prophecy of Polynesian Realm IWhere stories live. Discover now