Meeting With Nafanua

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After the utterly humiliating briefing with Sinner, it was early in the morning by the time Widow finally got back to Saint's room. 

Widow was perplexed by how exhausted she was feeling and almost didn't make it to the bed after she threw on Saint's T-shirt. 

She needed to at least feel like he was with her and inhaled his fragrance from the fabric.

She grabbed a pillow and held on to it as she began to shed tears, trying to picture Saint's rising and falling of his chest underneath her head.

While Widow was falling asleep, she began to hear a very faint pounding in her ears. But because she was so tired, Widow soon fell into a deep slumber.

The dream had a familiar haziness to it. But the voice was very clear.

It was an elderly woman's voice. Widow didn't want to go through another verbal ass beating from the mystery voice when she remembered the last time she had one of these dreams.

But the woman's voice was tranquil and soothing.

"Don't be afraid of being your true self, child. Masina confuses respect with subservience. But he means well. And don't mind the family. They are harmless, especially now that you are part of our bloodline. We take care of our own."

"I want to find him. Please, can you help me?" Widow pled unashamedly as tears began to spill down her cheeks.

"You already have it in you, child. He is yours and you are his. Just have faith in that. I cannot do anything else but grant you solace to help you break the spell he is now under."

"I love him so much..." her lip was trembling.

"And you have to hold on to that. Do not let the lies of the outside world trick you into thinking otherwise. There are lies in the truth. And there is truth in the lies. It's up to you to decide which is which."


"Cassandra. Call out to him with your heart and make it sing songs to soothe his tortured soul, child. Do it quickly or you might lose his essence."

"Do you have any song requests? I'm great at karaoke. Just don't ask me to lap dance because I won't be in the mood."

The elderly woman laughed loudly.

"That's what Masina needs to hear. You're true nature, child. Don't forget how you two fell in love."

The woman's words were so soothing and profound. For the next few weeks, Widow did as what was asked of her through her dreams with the woman.

Her name was Nafanua and she was the Tiafau Realm's matriarchal goddess of the gateways. Nafanua helped Widow get through the ordeal while the teams searched endlessly based on intel she received from the wise deity.

But because Nafanua wasn't allowed to intervene, a lot of her information was both cryptic and enigmatic.

However, Widow was able to eventually sort through the truth and the lies, the more time she spent with the highly respected goddess.

And from then on before Widow slept, she sang.

I bet you liked some of the Kehlani songs. Especially Gangster. Huh. We fucked like porn stars to that one, remember, baby? I still don't think I look like her, but anyways, ahem...The next song I'm gonna sing is another Kehlani song and I'm dedicating it to you. It's called "The Way". I thought of you when I first heard it. I can't breathe anything but you, Masina. I love girly asswipe.

A heartbeat could be heard in her mind every night before she fell asleep.

BOOK TWO Gods Of Desterrados: Prophecy of Polynesian Realm IWhere stories live. Discover now