"You're leaving?" I ask.

"Yes." She simply replies, still holding th door open while she's outside. "And so are you." She says while looking me dead in the eye.

I slowly rise from the floor, my body weak. I definitely lost a lot of weight. A wave of dizziness passes through me and Lexi is instantly at my side. She leads me through the cell door and up the same way I came into the cell, two weeks ago.

We were in the main part of the house, between the kitchen and the living room. She leads me up the stairs and down the hallway on the right. I notice that this part of the house is a lot quieter and that there are only four rooms at this side. I know thet the hallway towards the left are where some pack members stay the rest are downstairs or in their own homes. They also have 2 guest rooms downstairs. She takes me to the far end of the hall and enter the room on the right. Instantly the faint scent of my mate fills my nose and my mood feels ten times better. The scent is old but I can still make it out.

"This is Ezra's room." I say, not even needing to question it.

She nods. "It is. You can also stay here, or you can go into the room directly across from it. My room is the one next to that one." She says.

I nod slowly, taking deep breaths to feel as close to my mate as possible. Lexi takes me towards the bed and sits me down, she heads towards the closet and gets a pair of shorts and a shirt. She tosses them at me and then disappears into the hallway. She returns shortly after with a towel, hairbrush, toothbrush and other bath supplies.

"First you're going to take a long shower or bath or whatever. Then you'll eat something, I'm going to make sandwiches while you're busy. Then we're going to the mall for clothes and then you're going to have a proper night's sleep." She says while she goes into the bathroom to put the stuff down. She comes back out, empty hands. She glances down at her watch then back at me.

"It's 3pm, that gives us exactly 3 hours before the shops close." She says sternly.

"Yes ma'am." I answer, still in my position on the bed. She chases me into the bathroom before heading towards the kitchen. I laugh at her, deciding to take a bath. I run the bath so long, adding a little bit of the bubble bath she brought along. I'm looking forward to this. I strip out of my clothes and throw them into the laundry basket. Once the water was done, I got in and loved the feel of the water against my skin.

I spent a good hour in the bath, simply just enjoying the feeling of being clean again. I decided that it was finally time to get out. I dried myself and got dressed in my mate's clothes. That thought alone sent happiness through me and Vera was purring in my mind.

"It even smells like him." Vera said and I took a deep breath out of instinct. I'm addicted to his smell.
His clothes were a bit too big for me but that's just how I liked it. I went out of the bathroom and almost forgot that I was in his room. I found 4 sandwiches on the bed and my stomach instantly growls.

I was just about to sit and eat when a massive cold wave hit me snd my body covered in goosebumps. Right, it's winter. I forgot. I Quickly run to his closet, grab one of his black hoodies and a pair of wooly socks.

Attempt 2. I settled down on the bed again and almost instantly dug into the sandwiches. Damn it was good, it was one of those 'healthy sandwiches' with cheese, lettuce, tomato etc. I'll need to remember to thank Lexi for this. I put my plate on the small table beside the bed, and laid back. I got under the covers, shutting out the cold and burried my face in the pillow. My thoughts were consumed by the smell of my mate wrapped everywhere around me. Vera was happy and I was happy, even though my mate still has the option of rejecting me. Sleep quickly overtook my body before I could ponder on that thought any longer.

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