Chapter 10

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Enjoy xxx
Luca and I was still at work, the day was slow today and we mostly had time to just play and fool around. We are currently busy with a very boring never have I ever game.

"It's your turn Zaya." Luc says as he grabs a box of Astros.

"You need to pay for those." I say and hold out my hand for a few of my own. Enjoying the flavour of the chocolate. He glares at me playfully before putting money into the cash register and then signalling for me to carry on with the game.

"Never have I ever, gotten a tattoo. The one behind my ear doesn't count." I answer before he can say something about it.

He laughs. "Do you want one?"

I take time to go over his question. Do I want one?

"I've considered it a lot, just never got around to actually doing it you know?" I answer truthfully.

He nods and glances at the clock. 5:30, our shift ends at 6. "Do you want to go get one after our shift ends?" He asks me.

"We can't go then."

"Why not?" He asks as his smile drops and is replaced by a slight frown.

"Well, because... Uhhm..." I say, not actually managing to find a reason why we can't.

"It's settled then, we'll go after our shift." He says with a voice that indicates that there's no use in arguing about it.

"Fine." I say as my excitement slowly starts building.

We helped two more customers before our shift ended. We are currently on our way to a tattoo shop. I'm excited but also nervous at the same time. Luc said he'll pay for it and that there's no backing out of it now.

We reach the shop and step inside, instantly welcomed by irritating sounds of tattoos in the making. A bored looking lady, with all black and heavy makeup came towards us.

"How can I help you?" She asks, not even trying to hide her boredom.

"My friend over here wants to get a tattoo." Luc answers for me and I subtly try to glare at him.

She nods. "Follow me to the back, there are designs ready to choose from or if you have your own one in mind, just give me a picture and we can work from there."

Luc and I both nod before we follow her into the back, the sound getting louder. She draws back the curtains and allows us to walk through. There are at least 5 other people lying down and in the process of getting tattoos. She takes us towards the sixth booth and shows us towards the designs. I find the one that I like the most and hand it to her. She takes it, nods, then disappears from the booth for a few minutes. I turn around, taking in the details of the place. It's not a very large space. There's two chairs in the middle, one for the patient and the other for the artist and most walls are covered in different tattoo designs. The lady comes back and gestures for me to lie down. I'll be getting the tattoo on my back so I lie down on my stomach. She sets up the equipment and Luc takes a seat next to me on a small chair that he scavenged from somewhere.

"Are you ready for this?" Luca asks as he gets comfortable and looks between me and the equipment.

"As you said, no backing out now." I say as I hear her move closer to my back. Wincing at the slight pain once she starts drawing the patterns on my back. Luca looks entranced at watching her do her thing. Neither comment on my scars but Luc had already seen all of them anyway. I hope this tattoo covers a few and makes it less visible.

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