Chapter 3

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I drag myself out of bed when my alarm went off. I am so not ready for this day.

"Remember our deal."

"I know and I'll try my best. I promise."

"Good. Now get ready before we're late."

Groaning again, I get up and head to my closet. I take my usual black boots, a dark blue jean and a maroon colour shirt. I head over to the bathroom and take a shower. After the shower I get dressed and decide to make a high ponytail for school.

I brush my teeth and give myself a once over again and decide I'm ready. I head downstairs, grab lunch and an apple for breakfast. I start walking towards the front door.

"I'm heading to school!"

My mom's head pokes out of the kitchen doorway. "Are you walking?"

"Yes, it's not that far."

"Alright, have fun dear."

She returns to whatever she was doing. I pull my bag over my right shoulder and start walking. Eating my apple along the way.

I just love nature so much. The smell of the forest and the fresh air. Gosh I just love being a wolf.

"I can agree to that."

"Of course you can, you're the whole wolf part."

"Yip, and you can't live without me."

"I know I can't. Are you ready for today?"

"As long as I'm let out once today and nobody pisses me off then yes I am."

I chuckle at her but I can't help but agree with her. I felt my mood lift a little when I remember that we'll meet Layla today.

I reach the school sooner than what I would've liked. I stand and stare at it for a few seconds before sighing heavily and heading towards my locker.

I'll only be able to see Caleb at lunch. We won't be having any classes together before then. I close my locker door and head to my first period.

I reach wolf communications just in time and I head towards my seat before the teacher can say anything. He waits for 4 more minutes before he starts the class.

Mr Jenkins began his lesson. "So today class, we'll go outside. I'm going to shift into my wolf and you need to guess what I'm telling you. And no one is allowed to use the mind link. You are going to work in groups of 2. The person next to you is your partner. "

I was actually excited for this. Maybe today's going to be good. I look next to me and see a girl I don't know. She looks extremely shy, she has blonde hair that is shoulder length. I turn my full attention to her.

"Hi, I don't believe that we have met before. My name is Zaya. " I hold out my hand for her to shake and give her a small smile.

She looks up, her brown eyes looking down at my hand before she smiles. "Hey, no I'm new. It's nice to meet you. My name is Cleo." She takes my hand in a firm grip and shakes it.

"Really? When did you join?"

"We moved here yesterday. I'm actually not a part of the pack yet. I'll be officially joining this weekend."

"That's exciting. At least you know one friendly face now. Would you like to be my partner?"


We both stand up and follow the rest of the class outside where Mr Jenkins goes behind one of the trees and shifts. A few seconds later a grey wolf emerges from behind the tree.

Soulless ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें