Chapter 6

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*Warning: Violence*

Vera was still in full control and I'm not fighting her anyway. The moment I take control back, I know I'll just lose it. She kept running, we haven't stopped once, for two days straight now. We're both angry, fuelling each other and feeding off of each other's hate. We're angry at the rogues, at the moon goddess, even at Caleb for ordering us away. I've encountered 12 rogues in the past two days, killing all twelve without a second thought. I now officially hate them.

My fur is covered in blood, my canines painted a permanent crimson colour. My body is exhausted and my muscles are screaming at me, but I still don't stop.

"Zaya, are you okay to take control again? We really need to rest for a while or else we're going to collapse."

"Sure. " I hardly listened to anything that she said. Soon I feel control given back to me and I feel the extent of our exhaustion immediately. I stumble around for a few more steps before I find a lake. I sit down and drink from the water, I didn't realise how thirsty I was. After I clenched my thirst I went into the lake and submerged my wolf in the water, ridding myself of the blood on my fur.

Exiting the lake I shake my fur out and collapse on the ground. I felt an absence in my mind and I knew that my wolf was asleep, not about to wake up anytime soon. I lay down on all fours and rest my head on my front paws. My eyelids are getting heavy and I'm soon consumed by darkness.

I stood in a clearing of some sort, but something felf off, seriously wrong. Suddenly the scene changed: I was standing on a hill, my nostrils filled with the stench of blood. I looked down and I screamed. It wasn't a hill, it was bodies. Dead bodies. Of my pack, my friends and my families. A few rogues came out of the forest and headed towards me.

"Why didn't you save them Zaya? You know you could've."

"It isn't my fault, it isn't my fault." I whispered softly to myself while curling up, my knees pressed tightly to my chest.

"You did this." The stranger spread his arms wide, turning in a slow circle with a sick, proud grin on his face. I wanted to gag at the proudness in his voice. "You are a murderer Zaya, not only of your pack but also of rogues."

I hugged my knees tighter to my chest, tears started forming in my eyes. The wolf continued to taunt me. The word murderer echoing in my ears.

"No!" I scream at the wolf with everything I have.

My eyes shoot open, the dream fading to a distant memory in my mind. The word murderer is still fresh in my mind. I look around, I'm still in my wolf form, the sun is starting to set. I must have been asleep for more than two hours. I stand up and stretch, testing my muscles to see if they work properly.

"What do we do now?"

"I need to go back."

"What? Why? That's suicide Zaya and you know it."

"It's just something I need to do Vera."

I feel her pace around in my mind, considering the options. "Fine, we can go back. Even if I think it's a horrible decision and that you're going to get yourself killed."

"I know you won't let that happen."

"True, not as long as I have a say in it."

We took off, back towards the direction we've been so desperate to get away from.

"We need to hunt before we go back."

"Alright, I'll see if I can find a deer or something."

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