Chapter 28

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Quick author's note/question thing before we start.

Would you like me to make a cast list for the major characters and/or one for their wolves?

Let me know. Please. I probably (most likely) won't bother with the effort if none of you want it.

On with it then!

We all have a certain story that we do not share with anyone because we are afraid that nostalgia will come to us in a series of waves to drown us.

We all have a certain part we keep hidden from the outside world.

We all know of a certain name that we do not dare to speak anymore because it leaves a bitter taste on our tongues.

We all know of a certain face that we wish to never see in our life again. One that we spent an eternity to forget.

Tonight, Lexi shared all of those things to me. She showed me a part of her that she wishes to keep hidden, that she wants to forget. Rejecting your mate is difficult and painful. It just shows how strong of a wolf she really is, she managed to move past that and keep on living. She didn't give up like some wolves do. Her mate wanted more power so he went for Beta blood. No one can give you power like your true mate and he has to live with that regret for the rest of his life.

"Ezra is the only other wolf that knows. He said I did the right thing by leaving and rejecting him and I know he's right. But it still hurts." Her voice breaks for the hundredth time tonight and it tugs at my heart. I hate to see her like this. She's strong, funny and happy.

"I know it does. You have a pack that will die for you. Friends that will go to the ends of the earth for you." I tell her.

She nods. "I know and I'm glad I left that pack. Logan became the cruelest Alpha after that." There was a long silence before she spoke again. "The sad thing is that I keep hoping that I'll be one of the lucky few to have a second chance. To imprint on someone." She looks at me and I can see the desperation in her facial features.

"Maybe you don't need to actually imprint. Perhaps you can learn to love." I say softly. She doesn't say anything but she is listening. "Like you learn anything in life. I used to be a wolf that wanted so desperately to die but I couldn't. I thought I would never be able to even smile again but I learned to be happy again. It took a lot of time but I did it. You can do it too." I say, looking at her.

"Perhaps. There is always hope." We both look out over the water. The moon shining high above us. I look at the moon and I think for the first time in 200 years, I don't fully resent it.

Thank you moon goddess for giving me this. Allowing me to live this part of my life.

And I swear she smiled.

"We should probably head home." Lexi says in a sigh and starts to get up. She's right and I know she is, but it's so peaceful here. Then a slight pang fills my chest. I want to go home, to Ezra.

Pause. Hold up. I just called that my home? It felt so right and natural to call it home, to imagine my future with Ezra by my side. Home will be wherever he is. I already consider The Shadow Pack as my home and I would protect it.

I head back with a smile on my face.

We reach the packhouse fairly soon. It's nearly 2 am, everyone is asleep and Lexi immediately went to bed. I, however, hesitated at my door. I'll just quickly check on Ezra. He's still fast asleep in his bed. Pleased with what I see, I finally head to bed.

My head hits the pillow and I'm out like a candle.


It felt like I only slept for 2 minutes before some idiot wolf came barging into my room shouting things.

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