Chapter 20

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Zaya p.o.v

Darkness. I was surrounded by it. I felt a faint pain in my arm and head, but it felt far away. I tried contacting Vera but she didn't answer. The last thing that happened started filling my mind. I remember seeing my mate but with glowing amber eyes, his wolf?

I wonder what his wolf's name is.

Darkness. Silence. Emptiness.

The darkness seems to fade a bit and I'm blinded by light before I stand in the familiar clearing of my old pack, where my family was slaughtered. Not again, please. Instead of my dead pack haunting me, seeing their dead bodies, the clearing is empty. There's still blood, almost like it's permanently stained by nature's events. I turn in a circle, taking in the familiar details of it. This place where I stand now has always felt like a safe haven to me, but now it makes me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.

Then I hear the voice I dislike the most in the world. The one that's permanently burned into the soul I don't have. It's supposed to bring hope and light but to me it is a reminder of my eternity of misery.

"Hello, Child." The moon goddess says in her silky voice.

I turn around and glare at her, putting all of the hatred I have into that one single look.

"I know I'm the last thing you want to see and I know you strongly dislike me." She starts to explain and I scoff at her words. That's the understatement of the century. "Believe it or not but I made you a Lycan for your own good."

"How was that for my own good? You abandoned me! Left me for 200 years to be tortured! To live with the guilt of letting my family down, seeing their slaughtered bodies, over and over again!" I yell at her.

She didn't seem the slightest bit fazed by my outburst, which only enraged me further. "I have never abandoned you, I've seen and monitored everything that happened to you." She continues, voice even.

"So you just stood idly by and let me be tortured?!"

"Everything I do is for a reason, everything that happens is for a reason. I'll never give you anything that I didn't know you could handle or get through." She says as she slowly steps towards me.

I know I should step back because last time she did this, it didn't end well, but I just couldn't bring myself to move.

"I knew you were strong and I knew you could handle being a Lycan. If you weren't a Lycan then you would've never met your mate, never met Luca." She continues to walk towards me until she is standing directly in front of me.

"Luca doesn't even know where I am, he probably thinks I abandoned him. As for my mate, I don't even think that he wants me." I say.

She smiles her soft and kind smile at me. "I wouldn't be so sure on that. And Luca is doing alright."

"My mate hates my kind, he doesn't want me. I can see it."

"Did he reject you?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. No. Sort of. His wolf won't let him but I know he wants to."

"No rejection then, which means he wants you. Give it a chance. I paired you guys up for a reason you know." She says with a smirk in her voice. I raise my eyebrow questioningly at her.

"Come. Follow me." She turns around and gestures for me to follow her. I was reluctant at first but my curiosity got the better of me. I know she's the reason for me being without a soul and as much as I try to hate her, I can't. Some part of me still trusts her, wants to obey her. So that's what I did, obey. I followed her and at first I was following behind her but then I fell into step next to her. As soon as I was next to her, the scenery started to change.

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