Chapter 9

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*Warning: HUGE time gap plus violence*

(I hope it doesn't cause confusion)


200 Years of the hell hole I call my life passed. Yes, 200 years. I have been serving the moon goddess for 200 fricking years. I get captured, starved, tortured and beaten at every angle and she does nothing to help me. Such a great example.

I am once again in a new torture room, I've been here for the past 5 years. This pack is ruthless, they experiment on rogues like me. I'm their favourite toy. Most rogues don't survive the experiments for longer than a year.

Lucky them. I wish I could call it quits and just die but stupid immortality won't let that happen.

My body is scarred from 200 years of torture and constant running. My biggest scar, being the one on my stomach. I always wanted a mate, a mate to love me forever, it gave me hope. But now, the only thing I wanted was to die.

Preventing me from my mind further tearing me apart, the heavy door clicks open and my regular 'visitors' enter the room. Great. They don't look at me once when they enter the room. His dark hair hiding his eyes, which I know are shining with joy by seeing my broken state, the other's dirty blond hair crosses my vision briefly.

The blonde one is new, which is strange. No one else usually comes in. He just looks at me, every now and then I swear I see regret in his eyes before he masks his emotions again. Don't be ridiculous Zaya, he doesn't care. I try to convince myself into believing it. He stands in the corner close to the door and crosses his arms, his usual attitude, I'm assuming. Yet, he seems tense, alert and calculating. I slightly tilt my head in confusion, but not pondering on it too long because the dark haired guy approaches me with a syringe in his hand.

"Sorry doll, but this is going to sting a little." He says, coming closer and not looking sorry at all. He injects the content of the syringe into my body and yes it did sting. I grit my teeth, trying to contain the pain. They have started giving me silver and wolfsbane combined to weaken me. I haven't spoken to my wolf in so long because of it.

He takes the chains off of my feet, but puts a silver collar around my neck (burning my skin) and keeps the ones on my arms. He drags me out of the cell and towards the surface. I don't even try to fight. I walk along the white walls, the dimly lit hallway filled with cells containing other rogues. Their tortured screams fills the air.

"Today is your lucky day." He says close to my ear once we reach the door that I assume leads to the outside. He opens the door and shoves me outside. I need to close my eyes for a moment, shielding them from the sun. I'm not used to it anymore.

I see a truck standing outside and only now noticed that we are heading straight towards it. My heart rate slightly picks up, my eyes and head looking around in panic. I don't know what they're goig to do to me or where they are going to take me. I stop in my tracks, the silver chains digging into my flesh and the dark haired guy yanks on them to try to get me to move again.

"Move bitch. We need to get you to the auction before sundown." He yanks harder this time and I stumble forward, catching my footing just in time before I fall.

Auction. My mind got stuck on that word. Slowly processing what that means. The gears in my mind slowly working and shifting. Suddenly it clicked. They want to sell me! Sell me to someone who will do who knows what to me! Oh hell no. I can't let that happen.

I yanked back on the chains ignoring the pain. The dark haired guy looked momentarily too stunned to do anything and I took that time to form a plan. The blonde guy looked shocked as well but also... proud? This guy confuses the hell out of me, he recovers quickly but it doesn't seem like he wants to do anything about the situation.

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