Chapter 15

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Zaya's p.o.v

We were exhausted after the shopping and I just wanted to sleep but Lexi forbid me to sleep at 5 pm. So we did the next best thing: a movie night. I have absolutely no idea what we're watching, that's Lexi's job, along with the snacks.

I'm still in my room, lying down on my bed. I give a sigh and head towards the shower. The hot water runs down my back as my thoughts drift back towards my mate.

I wonder when he is coming back. What will he think when he sees me outside of the cell? Is he finally going to reject me?

"He won't really do that, would he?"

"Vera, I honestly don't know. We know nothing about him. All I know is that there has to be a good reason why he hates Lycans so much."

"We're still his mate. Zaya I don't want to go through a rejection as well. We've already been through hell." Vera whines softly in the back if my mind, shuddering with all the horrible memories flashing through my mind.

"I know, we'll have to wait and see what happens."

I finish my shower and get dressed. I settled on a long black tights, wooly socks and my dark grey sports bra. I want to get a hoodie from Ezra's room.

Don't judge me.

I tiptoe down the hall towards his room, I gently open his door and step inside. I head to his closet and start my digging. I found one of his hoodies and took it out, it was a maroon coloured one. His scent still lingers on his hoodie and I relish in it. I quickly pull the hoodie over my head and straighten it out on my body, the soft material bringing heat almost instantly. I close his closet and tiptoe back towards the door. I open it gently again, went out and closed it just as softly. I turn around and crash into a wall. A tall, muscular, breathing wall. Strong arms snake around my waist to steady me and I look up into the eyes of my mate. His eyes search my face, a slight smirk plays on his lips.

"You okay there?" He whispers lowly. Words wouldn't come and I only stood there, nodding my head like an idiot.

"That's my hoodie." His smirk widens and I swear he just got even more handsome within seconds.

"I can take it off." I say, my hands moving to lift it over my head, completely forgetting that I am only wearing a bra underneath. He growls and takes a step towards me, his hands on top of mine to stop the action.

"Don't." He says lowly. "It looks good on you." I get lost in the intense emotion in his eyes.

"I didn't know you were back." I whisper, searching his face. "Didn't even know when you left either." I mumble more to myself.

A brief look of guilt crossed his face before he masked it again. He drops his hands and takes a step back as if realising what he was doing. "Why are you out of the cell?"

"Look Ezra, I know-" I started to say but was cut off.

"How do you know my name? I never told-" He interrupts himself with a groan and pinches the bridge of his nose. "It was Lexi wasn't it? She let you out and told you."

"Yeah." I look down at the ground, suddenly not knowing what to do or say.

"I can help! Let me take control! Please Zaya." Vera speaks with excitement. I inwardly grimace, I don't even want to know in what situation we'll end up if she has control.

"Yeah, no. We're not going to do that." I say back at her.

"This is just painful to watch." This was her last comment before she disappeared to the back of my mind. I find that Ezra is still in the same place, eyes glazed over.

Soulless ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя