Chapter 32

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I'm craving pizza right now.

I roll over with a groan. My whole body is sore and stiff and I don't know why. I move to a sitting position and look around the unfamiliar room. I can already feel a headache forming.

I was asleep when we arrived so Ezra probably carried me to the room.

Speaking of... Where is he?

I hear the water of the shower running which means he's probably in there. Let's explore this place a bit. It's like a small apartment / cottage thing. Wooden floors, darkish walls. Quite charming in my opinion.

I'll start making breakfast so long. We still have a while before the first meeting but hey, I'm bored.

Boredom and me aren't great friends. I do weird things and it usually doesn't end up being pretty.

The food was on fire.

And I just stared at it.

A frantic looking Ezra came running towards the kitchen, ready to fight anything. He's barely dressed, with his chest and hair still wet from the shower. He searched around for me and was relieved to see that I was still alive.

"What did you do? Why's there fire?" He asked as he came to inspect the damage.

My wolf nor I was focusing on anything he just said. I got distracted by him and her perverted images didn't help. I saw water droplets move down his toned chest and dissappear right below his V-line, caught by his pants. Another following in the same path, my eyes followed the trail. Lucky droplets, I want to follow the same trail.

"There are a lot of other things we could do.." Vera smirked suggestively and I agreed with her.

I watched as he put the fire out, his back muscles tightening. So. Damn. Strong. And. Sexy.

My thoughts were a mess.

I want to jump him.

So so bad.

Ezra safely put the fire out, but the food was unsave-able, oh well. Doesn't really bother me much anymore.

Th food probably would've given us food poisoning anyway. Yeah I'm a terrible cook. Ezra on the other hand...

"Oh I'm sure he is good at way more than just cooking."


Ezra walks over to me. Since when was walking so hot?

Oh gosh, I need serious help.

"Help getting lai-"

"Okaayyy back off a bit you horny mutt. Go sit in the corner with your pervert name on." I cutt her off and pushed her to the back of my mind. Totally agreeing with her but we don't need this right now. I can feel my headache returning with a bit more force.

Ezra put his hands on my hips and pulled me to his chest tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my forehead against his. His lips crashed onto mine with a hungry passion and I responded with just as much. My hands tangled in his hair, making it even messier than what it was before. His hands explored my body, leaving a pleasant trail of sparks wherever they go.

He lifted me up and I instinctively put my legs around his waist, his arms underneath me to support us. He walks over and puts me down on the kitchen counter without breaking the kiss. I seriously cannot get enough of this man. My hands make their way to his bare chest and I feel his muscles tighten a bit. He lets out a low growl of pleasure and gently bites my bottom lip. A moan escapes me and he moves closer in between my legs. His hands are on my hips. My shirt moved up a bit and his thumb found bare skin, rubbing circles. My arms trailed down his toned stomach, reaching the top of his jeans, gently tugging at it. He growls, along with an intake of breath before he pulls away, breaking the kiss.

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