Chapter 31

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This isn't how I wanted Ezra to find out about everything but I guess the truth tends to come out in it's own way. Not always the way you want and that sucks. He's going to be so upset when he hears it all. Alpha's have a short temper in general, but when it comes to someone messing with their mate- oh boy, then it's almost non-existent.

I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to cover everything and I refused to meet their gazes so I kept my head hanging low.

"Zaya...How?" Lexi asked and she sounded so close to crying that my heart broke a little. Tears brimmed her eyes and her hands covered her mouth. Luca knew everything and he pulled Lexi into his chest, excusing both of them and leading her away. I knew that he was going to tell her.

Ezra was visibly shaking from his anger and I still refused to meet his gaze. He stepped closer to me, heat radiating from his body. I felt like I disappointed him in some odd way and I hated my body because of the scars and the memories that came along with them. I tried covering them with tattoos, but they didn't seem to stick and faded over time, eventually I just gave up. Ezra stood right in front of me, taking deep breaths to calm himself but I knew that he would never hurt me.

"Zaya how did you get those?" He growled, trying to control his emotions.

"I've been around a long time and you know that. I got these from other wolves, fights and...things." I say, still looking at the ground.

"Tell me what wolves and I'll kill them. They'll pay for hurting my mate." He growls and I wince slightly.

"It doesn't matter-"

"Of course it matters! No one touches you but me!" He yells and this time I can't hide the wince. He takes another deep breath before he talks again, a lot softer this time. "They hurt you Zaya. They need to pay."

"No they don't!" I yell and tears sting my eyes but I refuse to let them fall or meet his gaze. He won't see my cry because of this.

"How can you say that Zaya?" He put his fingers under my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. They looked pained to see me in this state and they briefly flash gold to show that his wolf is present and wants to help. "I'll hunt them down and kill them."

"That's exactly what I don't want you to do." I whisper softly and his face fills with confusion. "I don't want him to do this to you as well." I add softly, a tear rolling down my cheek and Ezra brushes it away with his thumb.

"He won't." Ezra says without hesitation. "I can kill him before he does anything." I shake my head even before he finished.

"You can't stop him. He gets what he wants and he promised to give me an eternity of misery. He'll never stop."


I simply shake my head and pull away slightly, wrapping my arms even tighter around myself. Ezra lets his arm fall to his side but he still stays close to me.

"Tell me Zaya. Please" Ezra practically begs. "I can protect you against anything. He'll never get you." Ezra runs a hand through his hair and clenches his jaw. "Let me protect you!" He almost begged the last part in a low whisper, tugging at my heart strings.

"You don't know him! You don't know what kind of monster he is. I won't let you get hurt because of me. I can't." My voice cracked at the end and Ezra pulled me to his chest.

"I won't get hurt. I will protect you Zaya."

Ezra simply held me as I sobbed into his chest. I finally decided to tell him everything about me. How I became a Lycan and my life after that. I told him about my family and all the torture I endured. I told him about the worst creature to ever walk this planet: Alpha Deacon. Every scar, every detail, every moment. I cried a lot during all of it and Ezra was patient during the whole ordeal, never pushing me or rushing me. He simply sat there, listened and comforted me. I sat on his lap, my face buried in his chest. We didn't put on our clothes so he was still shirtless and I was still in just my underwear. I put my hand over his heart and lifted my head to look into his electric blue eyes.

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