Chapter 27

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Ezra almost immediately passed out after I took him to his room. He was exhausted even if he didn't admit it to himself. He tried to fight me on this but I won and he quickly gave up. They both, Lucan and Ezra, need to rest to let their injuries heal. I also made sure that Luca got a room where he could rest. Thankfully none of the guards were actually harmed, they were just unconscious. I personally would've killed Luca if that many guards were killed by him.

"Sit down for a second. You've been busy all day babysitting the guys." Ruby laughs as she gestures for me to sit down on the couch next to her. She's right, I have been running after the boys all day long.

"They behave like children." I huff as I sit down next to her.

She laughs. "That's the boys for you. They never grow out of it. They'll always be little children at heart, no matter what age they reach." We both laugh and this is probably true to all guys. We never fully grow up, do we? Well I hope we never have to. The world will be truly cruel if we lost our childlike self.

"Life would be very boring if they did grow out of it to be honest." I say to her. She tilts her head to consider my answer.

She then nods at me. "That's true. I have no idea what I would've done with my life if Noah wasn't well Noah."

"I know exactly what you mean." We both laugh again and the doorbell rings. Noah is not going to answer it because he's still drowning in work. Ezra is resting and I'm not going to make a pregnant Ruby stand up to go get it, I'm not that cruel. Despite me being a terrible human being with no soul. Well wolf?

"Ugh what is it now? I barely sat down." I mutter to myself and Ruby laughs at me. I get up and lazily drag myself to the door to see who dares disturb my rest. I open the door and my tiredness immediately goes away when I see who it is.

"Lexi!" I exclaim in excitement

"Zaya!" She yells mirroring my excitement.

"Ruby!" I hear Ruby's voice from afar. I realise that she just yelled her own name from where she sat on the couch, not even bothering to move from her spot. Lexi and I both laugh before we embrace each other in a warm hug.

"So anything interesting happened while I was out?" Lexi asks as soon as our hug was over.

I shrug, not really able to recall any significant event that took place. Although my brain does function like that of a goldfish at times. "Not much. It was basically dead here. Super boring."

"Boring?!" We hear Ruby yell from inside the house. We both turn towards the source of her voice and soon she emerges from inside. She waddles over to us. "Hey Lexi, it's great to see you."

"Same here. I'm glad to see I haven't missed the pup's birth." Lexi says as they also greet each other properly in the form of a hug.

She then turns on me. "As for you missy." She says and wiggles her finger in front of me. "There was like a massive fight and everyone nearly died. You call that boring?!" She says.

She's turning Lexi against me!

And it's working!

Lexi turns towards me with wide eyes before they narrow into slits. "Everyone nearly died?!" Then she fakes hurt - putting a hand over her heart to complete the look. "I thought we were friends. You're supposed to tell me all of the gossip."

"Don't listen to her. She's being dramatic." I roll my eyes at her but none of us could stop the smiles on our faces.

Ruby just shrugs. "I'm pregnant." She deadpans and we all burst into laughter.

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