Chapter Twenty-One: Christmas

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Queen Isabella

I smiled as Greer lowered the red flower crown on top of my head. Today was Christmas as according to what Henry said we all sat in the throne room and accepted gifs from the lords.

"When do we leave for Denmark?" Greer asked as she sat down next to me.

"Tomorrow afternoon. So we can get there on the twenty-seventh." I said before I saw her smile.

"Greer is there someone I should know about?" I asked with a smile as Lola brought Nicholas over to her.

"How did you know?"

"I am not dumb Greer. I am married and I know what it looks like to look in love." I said as she smiled before sitting down.

"His name is James, James Castleroy. We have been sending letters since you announced your pregnancy." She gushed and I smiled as I grabbed her hand.

"Greer, you are my best friend. If you are happy then I am happy for you." I said and she smiled before she stood up and placed Nicholas on her hip.

"Come, Bella, we have to get you to the throne room. Can I leave Nicholas with you?"

"Of course you can leave him with me. Do you still have to pack?"

"Yes, I am not even close to being done with my clothes. " She said as I smiled as I took the little boy into my arms as we began our way to the throne room. Everyone bowed as I walked through and sat down next to Henry.

"Why do you have Nicholas? Is something wrong with Greer?" He asked as he picked took him out of my arms and bounced him softly.

"She's finishing up packing and his wet nurse is in bed sick. So I told her I would take him." I said and Henry smiled before we stood up as Mary, Elizabeth, and Edward walked into the room. I clapped softly before they made their way towards us and we all sat down together.

Henry handed Nicholas back to me before he stood up and cleared his throat. Everyone quickly stopped talking and they all turned and faced us.

"Merry Christmas everyone! My family and I thank you all for coming and bringing presents to us all. We have my godson present today, Lord Nicholas of Telemark, so do not get to a certain part when my godson will cry." He said before he smiled as he opened his arms and laughed.

"Ma famille!" He said before he turned and sat down with us. Soon everyone began to line up to hand us our presents.

"Father, how long must we do this?" Edward asked as he took yet another gift from a little girl.

"It's been three hours. I think the children are hungry." I said as I bounced Nicholas who was starting to get fussy. Henry nodded before he stood up and everyone hushed.

"We thank you all for coming and giving us these wonderful presents. For those who still have presents I will have my wife tell you what to do." He said and I laughed before I stood up and placed the now eleven-month-old boy on the ground so he can stand.

"For those who still have presents, we have an orphanage two miles away from us. Bring the children over there. I know they would love it." I said and everyone cheered before they all began to leave.

"I can't believe he is about to walk," Mary said as she scooped Nicholas into her arms.

"Neither can Greer. She cried three days ago when he stood up on his own for the first time." I said as we stepped the stage and began our way towards Henry's office.

"Look out!" Someone cried out and Henry pushed me against the wall as an arrow flew past us. Henry drew his sword and I saw Phillip rush from Henry's office and run towards our assains.

"Get them to the tower!" Henry yelled as he pulled his sword out.

"Be careful!" I yelled after him as Miles second in command, Ronald grabbed my arm and led me towards the tower.

"Ronald, what happened?" I said as I laid Nicholas down and searched the room for weapons. I handed Mary and Elizabeth swords as I grabbed the bow and arrows.

"Apologies my Queen. That arrow was only meant for the King they said." Ronald said and I quickly lifted the bow and arrow, ready to aim, as Mary stood to fight.

"Why are you trying to kill him? You have three seconds before I kill you."

"So we can finally get a new king. That bastard has ruined England too many times." He said as he moved towards Nicholas and Edward. Edward stood in front.

"You won't hurt my cousin." He said and I let an arrow fly and it hit him on his head. Mary rushed over and covered Edward's eyes before the door opened and I saw Henry and Phillip with three guards.

"Who killed him?" Henry asked as Phillip rushed over to Mary and Edward.

"I did. He was going after Edward." I whispered before Henry brought Elizabeth and me into a hug.

"You are alright. You are all fine." He whispered before he pulled apart and wiped the tears I didn't even know were there.

"My love, you and the children are fine. You saved them alone." Henry said and I nodded before I stood up.

"I want all of the killed by sundown tomorrow. Before I leave."

Queen Isabella of Denmark// King Henry VIIWhere stories live. Discover now