Woozi (1 part 2)

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You watched the townspeople and villagers run about around the town, doing errands and daily activities. You watched them from inside the royal kitchen window.

You watched some little kids play tag, laughing to their little hearts content.

You smiled sadly as you watched them play, wishing you were out there playing with them and not being stuck inside the palace.

Suddenly, one of your maids walked towards you. " Your Highness, the King and Queen are waiting for you at the dining table for breakfast." she said politely with a small bow.

You chuckled and sighed. "You can just call me Y/N." you told her with a chuckle.

"Oh, no. I must always regard you with 'your Highness'. That is royalty rule." she said with big eyes.

You fought the urge to roll your eyes. 

You remembered your tutor telling you that it would not be 'lady-like' to roll your eyes.

You went to eat breakfast with your mother and father. You ate in silence.  Your father was busy checking the trade offers other kingdoms offered. Your mother was also busy checking her list of tea time invitations she ought to attend.

They spent no time talking to you.  They didn't even bother asking how your morning went. But it's not like you wanted to talk about anything anyway.

After you finished your very pleasant breakfast, you decided to do something you've never done before.  To go outside of the castle walls.

Your parents would never let you go outside the castle walls even with the royal guards, let alone by yourself.

And if the royal guards catch you,  they would immediately bring you back into the castle. And you would get an earful of the King and Queen's scolding.

So you wore an old but still usable cloak over your dress and put the hoodie over your head.

You tried to disguise as best as you could. You tried to look like a normal towns person.

When you were done with your disguise, you decided to make your move. You went out of the castle walls through your secret door in the royal back garden. No one noticed the loose bricks on the wall, so you made it your secret escape door.

Your heart beat faster as you went through your secret door. This would be the first time out of the castle grounds, but you weren't scared at all. In fact, you felt excited!

Your secret door led to a large bush behind a little park that not many people go to. You looked around in awe. It was beautiful and peaceful.

You sighed in relief because no one else was in the park. That means no one saw you go through your secret door.

You quickly closed your secret door and made your way through the big bush, pushing little branches out of your way and began your walk towards town. You had a big and confident smile on your face.

This was going to be the start of your new adventure. You were finally outside of the palace walls!

You walked around town. Everything amazed you! The buildings, shops, the town's library, the scenery... Everything just looked better up close!

Your stomach grumbled in protest to your now empty stomach. You felt hungry already. You brought some money with you in case you wanted to buy something or eat. But you didn't bring too much, as you didn't want to get unwanted attention.

You walked around town, looking for a food or bread shop. You smelled something delicious and tried to follow the aroma, leading you into a little alley.

Seventeen Imagines ♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon